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Robbie bobidy

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
The last few days I have had some real issues around low blood sugar

I’m type 2 diabetic and on Monday I began to feel dizzy I managed to eat some bits and got through the day, on Tuesday I woke feeling Dizzy and my son ended up calling 999 as apparently I was a bit out of it. I drank some sugary water and ate some food but continued to feel weird all day.

My father in law is type 1 and had spare testing kit he lent to me I check bloods on Wednesday before breakfast it was 5.6 after breakfast it 8.5 with in 30 minutes of eating it had dropped to 2.2 and I was feeling all weird again to the point I sent my so round to Morrisons to pick up a Cornish pasty for me this seemed to stabilise it, I finally got I the drs Wednesday afternoon they checked urine blood bp all was fine, gave me some anti dizziness medication and sent me in my way with an ear chewing about testing my blood as I’m type 2 and. It in medication so don’t need to.

Today I tried something different I got rid of toast out of my breakfast and instead had a Greek yogurt some honey almonds and granola this seems to have worked. Is it possible the toast was spiking my sugar and then crashing (whole meal bread).

I hope it isn’t the exercise I cycled 54 miles my furthest yet in Sunday and did have a big calorie deficit that day do I need to eat more on those days.

I seem to be on today the dizziness has stopped and although I had a dip mid morning to the low 2s (sorry dr I checked my blood!) Magee to recover it with some nuts and fruit juice. Just looking for a bit of advice really, was a little scary and would rather. It go there again
Have you considered dehydration?
I am not a doctor but have had spells of dizziness that I put down to dehydration. 3 pints of water usually sorts it.
It could be the cycling @Robbie bobidy I think @helli ’s non-diabetic partner had something similar. Are you finger-pricking or do you have a Libre?
It could be the cycling @Robbie bobidy I think @helli ’s non-diabetic partner had something similar. Are you finger-pricking or do you have a Libre?
My partner "bonked" whilst cycling when he did not fuel properly and ended up having a hypo.
The impact was immediate and he recovered within 30 minutes. He did not experience anything again so it was different to @Robbie bobidy experience the day after the cycling.
My partner "bonked" whilst cycling when he did not fuel properly and ended up having a hypo.
The impact was immediate and he recovered within 30 minutes. He did not experience anything again so it was different to @Robbie bobidy experience the day after the cycling.
My brother has “bonked” when out cycling too...completely ran out of fuel. 😱
I seem to be on today the dizziness has stopped and although I had a dip mid morning to the low 2s (sorry dr I checked my blood!) Magee to recover it with some nuts and fruit juice. Just looking for a bit of advice really, was a little scary and would rather. It go there again

I’m rather shocked by your Drs attitude to be honest. Too busy telling you that “testing isn’t necessary” to investigate both the serious symptoms of hypoglycaemia and also the extremely low fingerprick readings you are seeing at the time.

However this is slightly unusual for someone not on glucose-lowering meds.

The fact that it has occurred more than once does warrant further investigation I think.

5.5 to 8.5 to 2.2 all within 30 minutes seems odd. Possibly reactive hypoglycaemia as you suggest, but 8.5 isn’t mega-high.

Of course home BG meters themselves aren’t infallible and have a permitted margin of error (some make more use of it than others!). What brand of meter is it? And are the strips in date? Are you following the meter manufacturers instructions eg handwashing before each check?

Perhaps double check any further hypo-symptoms twice to reduce the possibility of a rogue ‘duff strip’ reading. Then if it happens again you can go back to your Dr and give them the telling off for not taking your concerns seriously!
I’m rather shocked by your Drs attitude to be honest. Too busy telling you that “testing isn’t necessary” to investigate both the serious symptoms of hypoglycaemia and also the extremely low fingerprick readings you are seeing at the time.

However this is slightly unusual for someone not on glucose-lowering meds.

The fact that it has occurred more than once does warrant further investigation I think.

5.5 to 8.5 to 2.2 all within 30 minutes seems odd. Possibly reactive hypoglycaemia as you suggest, but 8.5 isn’t mega-high.

Of course home BG meters themselves aren’t infallible and have a permitted margin of error (some make more use of it than others!). What brand of meter is it? And are the strips in date? Are you following the meter manufacturers instructions eg handwashing before each check?

Perhaps double check any further hypo-symptoms twice to reduce the possibility of a rogue ‘duff strip’ reading. Then if it happens again you can go back to your Dr and give them the telling off for not taking your concerns seriously!
Thanks it seems to have stabilised today. Had few light headed moments but felt ok. I think I’m due a meeting with the diabetic nurse next month so will keep checking it, I’ve eaten a little more since Wednesday not sure if I was taking enough on either, my drs surgery are useless even the appointment I finall got was at the primary care hub.
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