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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
But i hope your all well , its been a a struggle over the last couple of weeks everything seems to be going wrong, the only good thing is i actualy got my bg down in to the 5s once but hey i did it once so hopefully i can do it again i have also put on weight again not much though,had a chat with dsn she wants me to carry on with the carb counting she said its clearly working for me and she has upped my levemir to 16 so hopefully see more improvement.
Also having to travel to whitstable everyday to my mums as my stepdad has fractured his collarbone ,its not a good idea for a 76 year old to climb a ladder at the top of the stairs and then fall off we told him we would hang the wall paper but no mr independent had to do it his way,just so glad he is ok and was'nt hurt more then he was.
sorry for the rambling.
I hope things improve soon. We all get periods where we feel we are swimming in molassis and get no where fast.

Te DSN sounds helpful and like she is trying to help. Carb counting works for many people.

I hope your step dad gets better soon, good it wasn't more serious. He sounds a bit like my dad who always has to do things his way too. Sometimes there is just no arguing or reasoning.

Don't appologise for rambling, it helps to talk and we are here to offer support a listening ear and sympathy.
Hi Carole sorry to hear you have been having a bad time hun i thought you had gone abit quiet, sorry to hear about your stepdads collerbone to i know thats very painful as my uncle did the same thing a number of years ago.Hope the carb counting continues going well hun xx hugs
Hiya... sorry to hear things have been difficult - fingers crossed things turn in your favour soon! All the best,

Twitchy xx
Hi Caroleann, sorry to hear that things have been fraught lately, I hope your stepdad recovers quickly and you can get a bit more time to concentrate on yourself. 🙂
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