Not impressed

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Had a pump alert Saturday lunchtime. Instruction was to phone the provider. So I rings Animas and tell the lovely lady I had an error code and what it was, her reply.................. Oh that's ok but if it happens 3 times within 30 days we will replace the pump as it's a pain alarming like that. Do please be aware though that even though the pump has told you it hasn't delivered it sometimes does and doesn't record the bolus. 😱

My attitude was wow thanks for that, so are you telling me my pump tells lies and I could now in fact have a double bolus for lunch with no record of it?
I did actually know it hadn't delivered as knew how much insulin was in my cartridge so no worries for me.
I dread to think what could have happened if I had had that double dose without knowing and gone out in my car somewhere. 😡😱
Hi Sue,

I wouldnt be impressed either!😱If I were you I would ring back again and speak to technical to ask why and how this could happen. Brushing it off like that is dreadful and it could have had a very nasty ending.😱🙂Bev
Hi - this would not inspire any confidence for anybody with that pump. Hopefully she has been giving out the wrong info. You would hope that a device so easily prone to delivery problems could not have been licensed. Very worrying and I would agree with Bev, speak to someone in tech for reassurance 😱
Gosh I wouldn't be happy with that explanation!

Was it a no-delivery alarm or some other error that may have led to no delivery? With the Veo, if it gives a no-delivery alarm part way through a bolus, part of the bolus may have been delivered and it is not always possible to know how much. We had this a few times in the early days when my son was using Quicksets (which didn't suit him at all) and getting kinked cannulas. If we had got a no-delivery error WITHOUT any evidence of a blockage I would have wanted a very good explanation or a replacement pump!

Hope your pump behaves Sue.
Hi everyone,
the pump gave an error code ending in 1A7. The lady I spoke to was in teq support 😱
I had to take the battery out and rewind and prime the pump to clear the alarm message.
As Soon as I pressed OK to begin the bolus the pump alarmed with a no delivery and call service message on the screen.

The idea that the pump could actually bolus and not record the delivery is what I find most worrying though. That could be very dangerous esp for small children 😱
Pleased you got some answers ! "Being T1 can be Stressfull" 😉
Pleased you got some answers ! "Being T1 can be Stressfull" 😉

I think you are confused Hobie 🙂 The above account is what happened to me last Saturday lunchtime. I sorted the pump myself and reported the error message as requested and wasn't impressed with the response.
Not impressed!
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