Not happy with treatment

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with it, but. I was really happy when the doctor changed my meds as my numbers came down within acceptable tolerances and I thought I was getting somewhere. Now though and for the past three weeks or so, my numbers are all over the place again. I'm ranging from the low 3s at night to the high teens during the day with no stops in between at more normal levels. It's really scaring me. I'm also having some really bad pains in both feet but especially in my left foot and ankle, it's really hard for me to walk and I haven't been getting the exercise I need because of the pain and I can't concentrate. In addition, in spite of all my efforts I'm no longer losing weight, I'm sticking to the diet and haven't had any little sins lately and while I'm not putting any on, I'm not losing any either. I should say here that I've had these problems with diets before, whether it's Weight Watchers, Atkins, G-Plan (or is that F-Plan?), I lose weight for a while and then it stops.

I'm not sleeping, I'm either crying or irritable all the time and I feel I'm losing the battle. I'm at my wit's end and don't know where to turn or what to do and my doctor isn't much help. I just know I have to find something, some way to get things moving in the right direction again before I end up in a nice wee padded room. I'm really frightened and I don't think I'm getting proper support from my medical team. I was there last week for blood tests, results next week. She took my blood pressure which was way up (128/97), I've never had high blood pressure in my life before and that scared me silly too. I'm sure the numbers are going to be horrendous when the results come back.

Am I trying to run before I can walk? It's been nine months since my initial diagnosis, surely I should have got somewhere by now?

Is there anything any of you can think of that I can do, or ask the doctor to do that might give a clearer picture of what's going on?
Hi Ally, sorry to hear that you are going through this. Your doctor should be working hard to address your problems, and if he isn't then you need to get another doctor or ask to be referred to a specialist. As you are a Type 1.5, I would have thought that you would have access to a hospital consultant. You are suffering physical and mental distress and your doctor is not doing his job or has insufficient knowledge of how to treat you and get you back your quality of life.

I know that most GPs only ever encounter Type 2s, and a T1.5 must be even more complicated to treat than a straightforward Type 1. Make an appointment and if he can't give you any sensible answers, demand to see someone who can.
oh ally nothing is settled for you at the mo xx as northe said tho surely as a T1.5 the hospital should be seeing you ?
Alison, so sorry you're feeling bad. As a non diabetic I'm not really qualified to tell you what you could do.

But as for the dieting - I don't follow diets anymore, I just try to eat healthily and exercise. I have only recently started to do so again, as I've been getting fatter and fatter. I lost 1/2 stone in 3 weeks and then it suddenly stopped. Two weeks later I went on hols and of course you eat what you fancy and I put on 3 lbs. Everyone can reach a level where they suddenly don't lose weight anymore despite religiously trying their best. It's called being on a plateau. Just try to persevere with it.

Blood sugars are really hard to control and please don't beat yourself up about not having "perfect" levels. But I do think it's horrible that you have to wait 2 weeks for the blood results. I'm not surprised your are stressing over it all.

Do you keep a diary to see the overall picture of your levels over the week? You might find it isn't as bad as you think.

Luckily for you, there will be someone here who will be able to ask you the questions I can't think of to ask to help you out of this low.

But here's a big HUG from me xxx
Alison I hope things get sorted. I know what you mean about the doctor not being of much help. My doctor is on a different planet to help and advice. AT least on our forum we get heaps of moral support.
Yes Monica, I do keep a diary, have done since the day I was diagnosed and I'm sorry to say it is every bit as bad as I think it is. My graph looks like the Himalayas, lots of peaks and troughs and very few flat bits. Looking at it is one of the things that has me so scared, because I can see just how bad things really are.

I have an appointment to see the nitwit on Weds next week. I'll try and get all my ducks in a row by then.
[/QUOTE]I have an appointment to see the nitwit on Weds next week. I'll try and get all my ducks in a row by then.[/QUOTE]

Ok, I wish you good luck with that.
And maybe you could try and follow Northerner's advice.
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