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Not going back to work just yet


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys, hope you are all keeping well

Well was the doctors today thinking she would allow me to return to work on Tuesday after already been signed off for 4 weeks since the diagnosis of my diabetes and she says NO. She wants to wait and see if my sugar levels remain stable and since I work in a stressful enviroment she thinks it would be best to wait another couple of weeks

I know that she is right but I phoned work today and felt as if it was an interogation. I explained how I had to wait and see the diavetic nurse who would have spoken the consultant about changing me to tablets and diet controlling the diabetes and wouldnt see them till next Thursday, but my boss sadi you couldnt get that appointment any quicker and when I said No she was really off ahnd iwht me

I think its time to get out of where I work if thats the way im going to be treated

Anyway better stop moaning, just got to try and find some way to fill the hours of my day, house is imaculate with me keeping on top of housewrok

Hi brightbaby!

Glad your feeling more positive - your workplace doesnt sound very sympathetic - why dont you ask your DN if she would mind ringing them and explaining the situation to them and that you really do need to get your levels sorted out before you go back - otherwise you may not be working at your optimum anyway! Bev x
I agree with Bev, get the nurse in direct contact with your work. But I would look about for a new job anyway. It is always worth keeping one eye on the job ads, and keeping up your skills writing CVs and application forms and being interviewed.
Hi Brightbaby, my husband will understand how you feel with your employer. Although he has osteoarthritis his firm is not at all sympathetic.

You are doing the right thing by keeping lines of communication open and keeping in touch with healthcare team.

Do you have a welfare officer/mamager in HR that you coulld speak to? It might ease the pressure on you a bit.

I agree look round for a new job, although keep the old one till something better comes along. Look at the skills you have and see which ones are transferable. If it is sometime since you did a CV places like the local job center might be able to help with it and things like interview skills.

Good luck and I hope things are bettr for you soon.
I had 3 months off after my diagnosis. I had been in hospital with DKA. I'd had over 20 years of continuous employment and as soon as the 3 months were up I was called in to be told that I shouldn't rush back, but that they were no longer going to pay me.(3 months full pay was the max they had to pay according to my contract). I negotiated starting back on a part time basis although I could just about walk and certainly couldn't drive. I did 3 weeks on part time, gradually increasing the number of hours and by th 4th week I was back to full time. I resigned on the 1st day of the next month, got a months gardening leave and started with a competitor as soon as it ended for more money and less hours. My 'caring' employer didn't give a to$$ and I now know my ex-boss told colleagues that he didn't care whether I lived or died. I know that we all need the money, but don't put up with poor treatment. I'm thankful I got out when I did - without the diabetes I would probably still be there. Look at this as a postive, it may be the push you need to move and work for someone better. Good luck.
Hi brightbaby
I has a similar situation with an old employer. I was taken into hospital due to high sugar levels and I asked the hospital to ring my boss to tell him what had happened (which they did). He didn't believe the phone call so he and the personnel lady came to the hospital to see if I was really there and when he spoke to me he blasted me with threats of sacking me when I went back to work. When I did go back a few days later I had to wait in his office for yet another drilling. Sadly for me the company reorganised the senior positions and my job became redundant, so that made him happy to get rid of me because he was going to give me warnings etc to get me out ( I believe that is called constructive dismissal) I then had a super redundancy payment and found another job within a week. There gain his loss as I got told by my new employer. I am now self employed much better. keep your chin up and keep looking for that new job it's out there somewhere waiting for you.:D:D:D;)
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Hi brightbaby
I has a similar situation with an old employer. I was taken into hospital due to high sugar levels and I asked the hospital to ring my boss to tell him what had happened (which they did). He didn't believe the phone call so he and the personnel lady came to the hospital to see if I was really there and when he spoke to me he blasted me with threats of sacking me when I went back to work. When I did go back a few days later I had to wait in his office for yet another drilling. Sadly for me the company reorganised the senior positions and my job became redundant, so that made him happy to get rid of me because he was going to give me warnings etc to get me out ( I believe that is called constructive dismissal) I then had a super redundancy payment and found another job within a week. There gain his loss as I got told by my new employer. I am now self employed much better. keep your chin up and keep looking for that new job it's out there somewhere waiting for you.

Some employers are truly unbelievable! When I broke my arm a few years ago I struggled back to work before I should have. The boss wasn't in the least bit grateful and was angry when I refused to work weekends to make up the time! I'd worked there 11 years, and left within 3 months to go to a better job and 40% pay rise...

The problem at the moment is that it's a bit of an employer's market, but no-one should have to put up with abusive idiots at work - it's no good for our sugar levels!
Some employers are truly unbelievable! When I broke my arm a few years ago I struggled back to work before I should have. The boss wasn't in the least bit grateful and was angry when I refused to work weekends to make up the time! I'd worked there 11 years, and left within 3 months to go to a better job and 40% pay rise...

The problem at the moment is that it's a bit of an employer's market, but no-one should have to put up with abusive idiots at work - it's no good for our sugar levels!

I quite agree with Northener. Some employers are the pits and only want the work done at any cost. It is always worth looking and keeping in mind it is their loss and not yours.

It has been recently pointed out to me that people can't under the disability discrimination act sack you just because you are diabetic.

This is a safe place to let off steam and everyone who has been in a similar situation will understand. Good luck to everyone looking for new jobs, the perfect job is out there witing for you.