not enough insulin

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
This afternoon i took A and his friends to play football and to go on a huge play area. We had lunch and he took half the dose he needed as he would be so active.
Anyway, after an hour of running around like a looney - he tested and he was 18!!!!!Do you think it was because he didnt have enough insulin on board and i would have been better giving the full dose and then just testing later and maybe giving a cereal bar? 😱Bev
Hi Bev ...

What was A's reading before lunch and what insulin dose did he have ??

It is possible he could have had a kick back from his hypo last night and this morning?

Hi all,
This afternoon i took A and his friends to play football and to go on a huge play area. We had lunch and he took half the dose he needed as he would be so active.
Anyway, after an hour of running around like a looney - he tested and he was 18!!!!!Do you think it was because he didnt have enough insulin on board and i would have been better giving the full dose and then just testing later and maybe giving a cereal bar? 😱Bev

Difficult to say Bev, but you do have a way of answering your own questions!:D

If im going to be exercising i usually only drop by 1 or 2 units and not half the dose, but thats me. Mostly though i dose as normal and take on carbs pre exercise if needed, I also drop my dose after exercising by a couple of units too, tried half a dose before and it was too much of a drop. Dont forget you need insulin to get the energy (carbs), into the cells, some people even take extra insulin when active, just a thought 🙄
Thanks Tracey and Heidi,

Well he had a sandwich and crisps which came to 42cho and his ratio for lunch is 1:15 so that should come to 2.5units novorapid. But as he was about to exercise i gave him 1.5units. The thing is he only has small amounts of insulin anyway (i think compared to others his age) so its really difficult to reduce it when he only has such small increments. But i think i have learnt that for A it is better to give the correct amount and also a free carb like cereal bar or something.
Tracey - your right - i do always have *an* answer - but i always doubt that i am right! Thats why its good to bounce it off you all on here - i dont know what i would do without this forum. I cant imagine a mother dealing with all this 40 years ago when things were very different and there just wasnt the help that us mums can get now! :DBev
I understand what you mean Bev, but i have learnt so much from you and others on this site, dont know what i would have done without it!

dont doubt yourself, be confident as you are always right!, but is good to get others views too, i agree 🙂
Hi Bev ...

I must agree with Tracey ... Its sometimes difficult to know what to do ... But please don't doubt yourself ... your a great mum, and doing an outstanding and difficult job ... :D

Thanks Tracey,
I know i have asked you this before - so sorry - but when do you start pumping?🙂Bev
What could have been responsible for the rise in A's blood sugar is adrenaline. Adrenaline causes the process of glycogenolysis to begin. Basically the storage form of glucose which is stored in the liver and muscles is broken down into glucose and released into the blood stream. I know I definitely had a fair burst of that on results day. I guess football can be quite exciting. I knwo for certain rugby can be as I have gone on to the pitch one day with a blood at about 12 and came off with a blood of 18.

Thanks Tracey,
I know i have asked you this before - so sorry - but when do you start pumping?🙂Bev

I wish i knew Bev, I know my pump has been ordered but my pump nurse said she will be in touch when she is back from her hol, (which im sure she is by now🙄), but she did say they were short staffed in Aug because of hols and would be unlikely before september. so i just have to be patient i guess, thanks for asking. Will let you all know when it happens, but cant even think about or get excited about it yet, as i wont believe it until i know for sure.
I wish i knew Bev, I know my pump has been ordered but my pump nurse said she will be in touch when she is back from her hol, (which im sure she is by now🙄), but she did say they were short staffed in Aug because of hols and would be unlikely before september. so i just have to be patient i guess, thanks for asking. Will let you all know when it happens, but cant even think about or get excited about it yet, as i wont believe it until i know for sure.

Do you think this 'dangling carrot' tactic is part of the trainiing to be a DSN? I am sure I have witnessed this kind of torture myself!

Good luck with it all Tracey w.

Bev- I think Tom is on the money with the adrenaline thing. Ive seen that in my own numbers, especially at work. Typical isnt it? Just when you can apply all the theories something like this blows you out of the water?! Its not fair!
What could have been responsible for the rise in A's blood sugar is adrenaline. Adrenaline causes the process of glycogenolysis to begin. Basically the storage form of glucose which is stored in the liver and muscles is broken down into glucose and released into the blood stream. I know I definitely had a fair burst of that on results day. I guess football can be quite exciting. I knwo for certain rugby can be as I have gone on to the pitch one day with a blood at about 12 and came off with a blood of 18.


this is what I was thinking Bev. Remember that Nikki takes 2 units before she starts playing football, so it could be that Alex needed all of his insulin. Obviously with other activities he might need a reduced dose, as you found out yesterday. Unfortunately you wont know what affect activity will have on his levels without some trial and error

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I take my normal insulin with my meal before a run, but then need less for the meals following. My levels don't fluctuate by much before and after the run, but I will then be more sensitive for up to 40 hours. It may have been a combination of a 'shortage' of insulin and the adrenaline effect.
Katie is right, before football i always need some insulin, so that i have enough circulating insulin to stop me going high, and it works very well. When I had my CGMS I didn't go above 9 during playing football for 2 hours. Without the insulin I go up to high teens or twentys
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