Not elegible for a pump

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So my diabetes nurse put my case down in the hope that I could potentially get a pump...It turns out that I don't fit the criteria despite the fact that I have around two hypos per day. I have been on injections since my diagnosis (only a year ago) but I just really want a pump. I just feel disappointed :(. I have an appointment to get a CGM fitted for a week as evidence of my hypos but getting the pump just seems like an impossibility!
Seems strange. What area are you from & how long have you been at this ? Keep at it !
Not sure it is that strange I was told point blank I wouldn't qualify by my clinic, children and those with HBA1C above 8 only. I was actually only enquiring, not totally convinced I'd want one, but it was very clear.
So my diabetes nurse put my case down in the hope that I could potentially get a pump...It turns out that I don't fit the criteria despite the fact that I have around two hypos per day. I have been on injections since my diagnosis (only a year ago) but I just really want a pump. I just feel disappointed :(. I have an appointment to get a CGM fitted for a week as evidence of my hypos but getting the pump just seems like an impossibility!

Where you given a reason as to why you didn't qualify for a pump? If not ask for one.
It's not just about number of hypos (assuming your hba1c does not fit the criteria for pump funding), it's how debilitating they are. And that doesn't just mean that they are severe enough for you to be passing out with no warning. They can be psychologically debilitating e.g. You can't relax or have a reasonable quality of life as you're constantly worried about having them. I know some people have changed to another pump clinic to get theirs, as some clinics are much more pro-active and experienced at getting pump funding. Honestly, if the hypos are a big problem for you, and you're desperate to keep good control but can't do it on MDI without the hypos, then keep pushing for a pump. I would contact INPUT for advice and support, that's exactly what they exist for 🙂 and good luck, and "don't give up" (ha, just been watching a Kate Bush documentary!!!)
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If you have been Diabetic for 6 weeks & you want a pump I can see why they are not keen to give you one ! Its like everything in life you have to work at it. STRANGE 😉
If you have been Diabetic for 6 weeks & you want a pump I can see why they are not keen to give you one ! Its like everything in life you have to work at it. STRANGE 😉

OP has been on insulin for over a year so it doesn't apply 🙂
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