Not cool :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Not long had dinner, calculated carbs properly as well :( feel poop and blurry eyes. DAMN YOU DIABETES

So taking bets on the cause this time:

swing from my pre dinner hypo?
Body yelling at me for my owie finger?
Body just being nasty cuz it hates me and that I'm making it work

SUgars have not been brilliant all day, they've been swinging pretty wildly. Like I said i had 3 hypos and a swing to 15 at lunch. But went low after that. I really need to try and sort out this working with diabetes thing. Its only been 2 days though, I guess teh ole bod needs to get used to it again?
Sam, there may be some stress hormones playing their part - either excitement or because you're knackered!😱 Try and get a good night's sleep. I think things will get better when you are more settled with the team and the work/locations
in answer to all:

Bev - chicken steaks and a v small jacket potato. In total had 15 units which is way more than i should have had really

katie - dextrose, 2 of em. Usually don't do this to me

Tom: In my belly. Its my novorapid place. No lumps or anything :confused:

You could well be right Northe. All this anxiety and excitement could really be taking its toll? Plus what with uinjuring myself as well today, and nerves about the new site (and all the possibilities of DEATH - I kid you not...risk assessment says we could die!) etc
I prescribe a nice warm bath with your favourite smellies, a cup of tea or other similar beverage and bed for a good night's sleep. Oh, and if you can wangle a hug out if the OH, that'll help too.
Oh Ally, if we had a bath I totally would. But we don't :( I've had a proper warm shower (but only to get the mud out of my hair). But I think a cuddle would go down a treat, I just have to prize him away from modern warfare 2....😱
Hi Salmonpuff - hope by the time you read this, you'll have had a good night's sleep. Personally, I find a warm bath helps me to relax after physical work and get ready to sleep, but I realise that more people prefer morning showers instead. It's possible that your blood sugar levels had been pushed higher by exercising (digging) when they were already high. But, completely agree, diabetes isn't cool, but you have to beat it and you will! I always get a thrill from doing physical labour - chopping wood, clearing vegetation etc in my case, with generally less skill than archaeology digging, unless I'm explaining to onlooking vistors etc. And energy levels do vary depending on air temperature, how much clothing I'm wearing (sometimes need to wear full arm and leg cover to protect from nettles, brambles, sun etc), whether I cycle (nearly always) or drive (very rarely) 3.5 miles to work etc. I have discovered that having the same breakfast helps me start off on a level keel, despite beign a bit boring.

I agree with northerner and I sympathise - i quite often have peaks after a busy day at work. I really struggle as I'm quite an emotional person (i don't mean crying all the time - just generally get quite happy/overexcited/stressed/tense etc - i don't do a lot of middle ground!!).

I've had a ridiculously long day at work, and ate half a sandwich on my way to a meeting that started at 6:30pm. Did slow late and so whacked in some novorapid on the train home cos thought i was prob high.

Of course, feeling quite low by the time i walk through the door and have just stuffed my face.
Good one!

O well, think this working hard with diabetes malarky can be quite tricky!!! 🙂
in answer to all:

Bev - chicken steaks and a v small jacket potato. In total had 15 units which is way more than i should have had really

katie - dextrose, 2 of em. Usually don't do this to me

Tom: In my belly. Its my novorapid place. No lumps or anything :confused:

You could well be right Northe. All this anxiety and excitement could really be taking its toll? Plus what with uinjuring myself as well today, and nerves about the new site (and all the possibilities of DEATH - I kid you not...risk assessment says we could die!) etc

If the chicken was in breadcrumbs - this could be the problem. If A has anything covered in breadcrumbs it makes him low an hour after eating and then high hours later.😱Are your basals correct?🙂Bev

I agree with northerner and I sympathise - i quite often have peaks after a busy day at work. I really struggle as I'm quite an emotional person (i don't mean crying all the time - just generally get quite happy/overexcited/stressed/tense etc - i don't do a lot of middle ground!!).

I've had a ridiculously long day at work, and ate half a sandwich on my way to a meeting that started at 6:30pm. Did slow late and so whacked in some novorapid on the train home cos thought i was prob high.

Of course, feeling quite low by the time i walk through the door and have just stuffed my face.
Good one!

O well, think this working hard with diabetes malarky can be quite tricky!!! 🙂

oh it can be. Cant seem to get it right at the moment, I think its the body's way of settling into hard work?

Thanks Copepod, I really wish I could have a bath :( I think a closer eye on the BGS tomorrow may be good, but doing blood tests through layers of mud isn't exactly healthy haha!!! Unfortunately due to the job, even if I am a bit too high to do any form of pysical work...i can't exactly not...if you get me. The 'rules' state we have to shift about a ton to 2 tons of earth each per day...😱
If the chicken was in breadcrumbs - this could be the problem. If A has anything covered in breadcrumbs it makes him low an hour after eating and then high hours later.😱Are your basals correct?🙂Bev

you mean my lantus?

yep, I've sat down with nursey and worked out 17u is pretty much spot on as I'm super sensitive to the stuff and thats the only amount that will give me decent levels.

I've never had a problemw ith these ones before, and yes they're breadcrumbed. But like I say, never ever had a problem. The jacket did have cheese on though?
Down to 19.6 now. AT least its going the right way

what sort of level dyu think i should go to bed on?? I don't really want to go while its super sky high still, but alas i need sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
If it were me I would rather go to bed high than over-correct and wake up at 3am hypo.
If it were me I would rather go to bed high than over-correct and wake up at 3am hypo.

aye sounds like a plan to me. I am so exhausted and eveything aches (DAMN YOU WALL THAT WOULDN'T COME DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) At least the levels are going the right way
hope you get a good night's sleep and wake to a good number, let us know how it goes x
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