Not being called for check ups

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've just found out I won't have an eye test for 2 years, in the letter telling me there are no changes to my eyes since last time. This is the first time I've heard about it. Also, I was due a check at my GP last June/July, no call, and I'm noe late for my annual check - I was last seen for this in Feb 2022. Is there some other change I don't know about?

They changed the retinal screening to every 2 years if you don't have any issues to try to clear the backlog caused by Covid. Whether it will ever go back to regular annual screening for everyone, i very much doubt. If you get a result saying you have some background retinopathy, then you still get annual checks, presumably until you get an "all clear" result. If anything more worrying is found, then they refer you to the clinic for further investigation or consultation.

As regards annual reviews with the nurse/GP they are behind schedule again due to Covid but I am not sure that there is any deliberate attempt to make them less frequent, it is just taking time to catch up.

Not sure I can think of any other changes, but hopefully someone will jump in and respond if there is.
I have just had my letter with the result of my retinopathy screening, all clear but it says I will get an appointment in 1 year.
As far as GP diabetic checks I think you have to be proactive and make a note of when it is due and ring to get your appointment with preferably your blood tests before hand so the result can be discussed at the appointment.
There has been some talk of reducing low risk eye screening to every 2 years, though it does not seem to be have been implemented everywhere. I ring my surgery myself if I think i am due a check, and they either check the system to see if I am due or leave a message for the nurse. I have been having roughly 6monthly checks.
Well I had my results on Wednesday no diabetic eye changes and annual check up. However I was diagnosed sept 20 and have only had one official diabetes review which was quite recent.
I've had two all-clears in a row, one year apart, and been told that the next test will be in a year's time, so still annual here in Northants. As regards GP annual review, I get a text once a year asking me to make appointments for blood test followed by review - though appointments aren't as readily available as they used to be pre-Covid
Not heard anything about eye screening but my surgery now asks us to book our own check ups as they no longer contact us to say when there due, wether this is just mine or nationwide I cant say. So its mark on a calendar and remind & book it myself.
Hi new member , Hello!
I was actually just thinking about this tonight , I was diagnosed with type 2 (diet controlled) in December 2021 , since I have had two eye screenings , both all good and its 2 years until next one , I haven't seen gp/nurse since I was diagnosed, I'm not sure if i have to make app or the doctors make it .
Hi new member , Hello!
I was actually just thinking about this tonight , I was diagnosed with type 2 (diet controlled) in December 2021 , since I have had two eye screenings , both all good and its 2 years until next one , I haven't seen gp/nurse since I was diagnosed, I'm not sure if i have to make app or the doctors make it .
Hi skoosh75, if I was you I'd contact your gp and arrange to get some bloods done/ check up as its been a couple of years for you. Just to see how its going.
Hi new member , Hello!
I was actually just thinking about this tonight , I was diagnosed with type 2 (diet controlled) in December 2021 , since I have had two eye screenings , both all good and its 2 years until next one , I haven't seen gp/nurse since I was diagnosed, I'm not sure if i have to make app or the doctors make it .
You should have had an HbA1C test 3 months after diagnosis and if things were going in the right direction then every year after that, also have your feet checked but usually other blood tests to check for kidney function, cholesterol and the like.
Many surgeries have got a bit lax on recalling for the check and people are wise to be proactive and ring to book their blood tests and diabetic check.
Hi , thanks for reply , thinking back i was at nurse regarding high bp and high cholesterol, so she may have taken bloods then , that was in the Feb, I haven't had any feet checks though
Hi , thanks for reply , thinking back i was at nurse regarding high bp and high cholesterol, so she may have taken bloods then , that was in the Feb, I haven't had any feet checks though
When you ring to check on those tests remind them you are due your diabetic review. It is important to get your feet checked, they check for circulation with a doppler and the pinprick to test for feeling in your toes and for any fungal infection which some people get in their toe nails. They will usually discuss your HbA1C result and sometimes do a urine test with a dip stick.
When you ring to check on those tests remind them you are due your diabetic review. It is important to get your feet checked, they check for circulation with a doppler and the pinprick to test for feeling in your toes and for any fungal infection which some people get in their toe nails. They will usually discuss your HbA1C result and sometimes do a urine test with a dip stick.
Thank you I will
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