Not Been Feeling to good

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
It seems that over the last few weeks i seem to be unable to Cheer myself up and it is a shame really because i thought that i was doing OK.

But if have to be honest with myself i am. I seem to be snapping at everyone around me and generally feeling a bit rubbish.

When i was told last year that I had Type 2 It took some time and i decided to go onto medication to help i was on this for some eight months and then about April this year I with the help of the doctor came of the tablets. Now all has been OK up to a month ago. Like i have just said not feeling good.

So i have made an appointment I am going to see the doc at lunchtime.

has anyone else experienced anything similar.
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I hope you are feeling better soon.

Do you find you feel worse during the winter months when it is darker? It might be you are affected by having less sunshine, and we have had a lot of rain recently. It's worth telling your doctor as there are things that can be done to help, for instance a light box if it's too cold or we to go out. if it is Ok to go out and you are able to, take regular walks or sit near a window to get as much natural light as possible. And that old cherry diet again, make sure you are eating a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vege as they help.
When you say you were on medication for 8 months were you refering to medication for depression or diabetic medication? As I've never heard of anyone come off of medication once on it for diabetes.

Also are you taking statins by any chance as they have been known to cause mood swings and irritability?
hi wakman sorry to hear you are not feeling very well i hoppe the appointment goes well and you get dumit sorted x
Hi Wakman, I hope the appointment goes well with the GP- sounds like you have a good relationship with him/her?

I was wondering also if you were referring to medication for diabetes or for the depression? Did you have any other help, like any talking therapies counselling etc?

I have had plenty of experience of mental health problems, generally unrelated to diabetes, but for me when my blood sugars are swinging aound, it does have an effect on my mood.
Yes sorry i did not make myself clear it was for depression. Tried to manage it myself.

Been to the doctors and saw a very nice Lady doctor not my usual one. explained everything and found her very nice to talk too.

We have decided that i should go back on tablets. And i go back in a month she has also sent me for the usual Blood test to test must admit levels have been coming in a bit high lately.

Still i Feel a bit better now because the thought of going back to the doc was not helping the situation and now that i have done it.

As they say its a trouble shared.

The other thing is my wife a nurse and it hard to talk to her because havin been a nurse for years coming home to my problems is not very nice.

Nice to air things on here.

I know that i am not the only person to feel like this but sometime you do feel on your own
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I'm glad you are feeling better. It is not always easy to share how we feel with htose closest to us, so it is good we can help.
Awww, so sorry to read that you've been feeling a bit cr*p lately, but I'm glad to hear you had such a lovely doctor to talk to, and hope you're back on track again soon.

I just like to say thanks to all the usual suspects i will of course keep you posted.

It just seems that some days you just cant do it !

Tomorrow is another day !
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