not been feeling to good

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
sorry ive not been about these past couple of weeks.
ive not been feeling to good. as some of you might know my hubby an i moved out of our daughters house 4mths ago into a wee house of our own, my neibour was giving us alot of harassment by knocking on the walls an giving us abuse, for what reason i dont know as we hardly ever at home, my hubby works all day an went to my daughters alot, anyway it made me get very down an i just couldnt take any more so last saturday we moved back in with our daughter, im starting to feel better now an starting to feel happier. ive also been having alot of headaches just over my left eye which i think could be sinus or maybe all the stress, the past couple of weeks just after my daughters wedding ive been so tierd an fedup of everything, ive not been testing myself much or excercising so have lost no more weight either but hopefully im starting to get back to normal. hope everyone is keeping well.
ill get back to posting regulary again.
tracey xxx
Hi Tracey hun you know we mail alot so anytime you need me just pm me hun you know my opinions on that horrid neighbour of yours,stress can cause the headaches hun so just take it easy and enjoy having the daughter and grandkids so close at hand xx
Hi Tracey,

Sorry to hear of your troubles, i did miss you but thought you were busy with daughters wedding etc.

Hopefully now you will start to feel better, happier and the headaches will settle. Take care xx
Take care Tracey. Hope you feel better soon. If headaches continue may be worth a trip to GP?
It's good to have you back ... not that i met you before but you obviously have a lot of friends on here that care!! I hope you get better soon. Stress is a horrible thing, as enjoyable the wedding would have been it's still a stressful time (congrats to your daughter btw). Then ontop of that the stress of moving and having awful neighbours? My heart goes out to you. I moved away from Dumfries to my partners town in Newcastle area last year partly because of some of the stress with my neighbours upstairs .. horrible people!! Just keep looking forwards and get yourself fixed ... You're worth more than them that were stressing you out at that last place!!

Take care! XxXxX
Hi Tracy

Hope you continue to improve and are feeling better soon.

There is nothing worse than horrible neighbours we use to have problem with ours.
Hi Tracey hun you know we mail alot so anytime you need me just pm me hun you know my opinions on that horrid neighbour of yours,stress can cause the headaches hun so just take it easy and enjoy having the daughter and grandkids so close at hand xx

thanks steff hun, your a good friend and i realy appreciate all your help, advice an just our wee chats xxx
Hi Tracey,

Sorry to hear of your troubles, i did miss you but thought you were busy with daughters wedding etc.

Hopefully now you will start to feel better, happier and the headaches will settle. Take care xx

thanks tracey, trying to get appointment to see doctor today about the headache, i think it is sinus as its only over one eye an i feel alot of pressure in it.
Take care Tracey. Hope you feel better soon. If headaches continue may be worth a trip to GP?

thanks lucy. hopefully going to see doctor today.
It's good to have you back ... not that i met you before but you obviously have a lot of friends on here that care!! I hope you get better soon. Stress is a horrible thing, as enjoyable the wedding would have been it's still a stressful time (congrats to your daughter btw). Then ontop of that the stress of moving and having awful neighbours? My heart goes out to you. I moved away from Dumfries to my partners town in Newcastle area last year partly because of some of the stress with my neighbours upstairs .. horrible people!! Just keep looking forwards and get yourself fixed ... You're worth more than them that were stressing you out at that last place!!

Take care! XxXxX

thanks derisive one.
welcome to the forum. yeah ive made alot of good friends since joining the forum, there a great bunch of people as you will find out for yourself.
Hi Tracy

Hope you continue to improve and are feeling better soon.

There is nothing worse than horrible neighbours we use to have problem with ours.

thanks sheilagh, im starting to feel more relaxed now, just need to get the headache sorted now.
thanks sheilagh, im starting to feel more relaxed now, just need to get the headache sorted now.

Glad to hear you are feeling more reaxed Tracey, I hope the headaches go soon too and you can feel well again! 🙂
Hi Tracey,

Sorry to hear you are feeling so rubbish :( hope you are feeling better soon (((hugs)))
Glad to hear you are feeling more reaxed Tracey, I hope the headaches go soon too and you can feel well again! 🙂

thanks northener, i have got an appointment a 4 today so ill see what she says about the headaches.
Hi Tracey,

Sorry to hear you are feeling so rubbish :( hope you are feeling better soon (((hugs)))

thanks cazscot, starting to feel abit better now that im away from that house, feel i can breath again if you know what i mean.
Hi Tracey, how are you feeling today?

hi flutterby. thanks for asking.
i woke up this morning an within 10mins the pain above my eye was there, took 2 painkillers an it usaly stays away for 3-4 hours then just comes back, im at the doctors this evening to see whats causing it. but other than the sore head my mood is lifting again since being back were we belong at our old house.
i never thought a neibour could cause someone to feel so rotten, i feel free now.
turns out the headache was due to having bad sinusitis (sorry cant spell that)
he put me on antiboctics an a decongestion, so hopefully i will improve in next few days. also got my 3monthly B12 injection today so im hoping that will give me some of my energy back aswel.
turns out the headache was due to having bad sinusitis (sorry cant spell that)
he put me on antiboctics an a decongestion, so hopefully i will improve in next few days. also got my 3monthly B12 injection today so im hoping that will give me some of my energy back aswel.

Ah! Glad you found the cause and got treatment Tracey! 🙂
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