Not A good Reading

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

I have been concerned for some time and i have an appoinment to make with the doctors.

But its 16:30pm I ate my corned beef sandwich at 2:20pm and my reading is 13.9😡

Just not sure what is going on lately

I take two gliclazide 80mg in the morning only

My reading were ok about 6 months ago now they are not sadly
Hmmm. Seems a familiar pattern.

How long has it been since diagnosis and did they ever do GAD65 or C-Peptide tests to confirm you really are T2?
Are you just taking gliclizideor do you have nything else with it? I was advised by the DSN to take the gliclizide in the evening and metformin the rest of the day. I take 3 metformin and one gliclizide.

The sandwich, what kind of bread did you have? It was white bread it will affect you more quickly than wholemeal bread.

Good luck with the doctor.
Hmmm. Seems a familiar pattern.

How long has it been since diagnosis and did they ever do GAD65 or C-Peptide tests to confirm you really are T2?

They took blood a test it was all a bit of a blur i was totaly shocked.

I was diagnosed last may due to see DSN just not had time to get my blood done but they have been high now for some time i have also put on a stone in weight but since then i have lost .5 of that but the readings are about the same.

Bit of a worry at the moment not to sure where this is going.
Are you just taking gliclizideor do you have nything else with it? I was advised by the DSN to take the gliclizide in the evening and metformin the rest of the day. I take 3 metformin and one gliclizide.

The sandwich, what kind of bread did you have? It was white bread it will affect you more quickly than wholemeal bread.

Good luck with the doctor.

It was wholemeal bread
Are you just taking gliclizideor do you have nything else with it? I was advised by the DSN to take the gliclizide in the evening and metformin the rest of the day. I take 3 metformin and one gliclizide.

The sandwich, what kind of bread did you have? It was white bread it will affect you more quickly than wholemeal bread.

Good luck with the doctor.

Advised to take two 80mg Gliclazide in the morning. And that is it along with blood preasure and cholestrol tablets
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Bit of a worry at the moment not to sure where this is going.

Sorry but you're not going to like this I'm afraid. I don't want to panic you here but it MIGHT (and I can't stress MIGHT enough here) be LADA (T1.5). It may also NOT be, but I think you need to make sure. The changes you describe COULD be caused by temporary illness, steroids for another condition etc, but theres a couple of pointers here.

If someone is diagnosed as diabetic and is over the age of about 16 they automatically get assumed to be T2 by most docs. Some are not even aware of the existence of LADA. I notice you are on Glic rather than metformin which suggests that you are were not particularly overweight at the point of diagnosis if not underweight.

People with LADA are often mistaken for T2. They are generally not overweight at the point of diagnosis and respond early on to treatment with Glic or another sulphonylurea drug. Because the onset of LADA can be quite slow, what tends to happen then is the BGs increase over a period of weeks or months to the point where the drugs appear to be making no difference.

The tests for GAD65 antibodies in particular are expensive, so there is a reluctance to do them. 6 months after the beta cells are gone, the GAD test doesn't show anything anyway. However, it appears that IF you have LADA then you still have some functioning betas because your BG numbers are not too ridiculously high. This would suggest that a GAD65 test would still confirm your type.

So I suggest you see the doc immediately in any case, but ask him about a GAD65 test to confirm that you are really T2 and not LADA.

Good Luck.

I have been concerned for some time and i have an appoinment to make with the doctors.

But its 16:30pm I ate my corned beef sandwich at 2:20pm and my reading is 13.9😡

Just not sure what is going on lately

I take two gliclazide 80mg in the morning only

My reading were ok about 6 months ago now they are not sadly


Sorry, I can't help with the medication for type 2 at all but someone mentioned white bread and I know you said you had wholemeal but can I just add into the mix the fat content in corned beef. I'm not saying don't have it, I love it but be aware that there is fat in it and the fat will delay the absorption of the whole sandwich. Do you know what you were before your sandwich. That would help know whether it was anything else. I would try the sandwich again. Same time tomorrow and same sandwich. Test yourself before and then test the same time as you did today. My assumption would be that if you rise significantly then your pancreas is having a go slow and you may need something else medication wise. If you are more or less the same then your pancreas is working as it should ie producing enough insulin to cover the food but maybe then that would mean you were a bit high over all. Does that make sense? I could of course be talking rubbish !!!!
If you were not overweight at diagnosis they may only have put you on gliclazide rather than Metformin since Metformin has the tendency to make you lose weight. As VBH says, it could indeed be LADA (Latent Autoimmune Disease of Adults) which is a sort of slow onset Type 1. It's not quite T1 but may as well be, once your pancreas has given up you will do well on insulin with no oral meds if you are indeed LADA. Should it be too late for any GAD antibodies to show up then a C-Peptide test could be done to see exactly how much of your own insulin you are producing. A low level would be indicative of LADA.

However, before jumping to conclusions I would ask do you know the carbohydrate content of that wholemeal bread? My husband has wholemeal bread which is quite high in carbs, whereas I eat Burgen Soya and Lindseed, only 11g carb per slice. Also as Adrienne states, if you were high prior to eating the sandwich it may just have pushed you higher. However, if that were the case, the question would be why exactly you were high before the sandwich. For example how long since your last meal and what was the previous meal. What are your FBGs these days, have they risen? If you could please give a lot more information it would be easier to get to the bottom of it.

I was diagnosed T2 (due to my age, but I was very underweight at diagnosis) and put on gliclazide only, however I progressed very quickly, within a few short weeks onto insulin and thence all oral meds were dropped and I've been perfectly well controlled on insulin only for the past 6 years.

I have an appointment for my bloods and then the week after i see my DSN so i will ask some questions.

Its a bit worrying about insulin i have never been one of those people that like to take medicine i would i would rather suufer a headache before taking anything. But i know that this is very inportant

Thanks for your comments guys

I have an appointment for my bloods and then the week after i see my DSN so i will ask some questions.

Its a bit worrying about insulin i have never been one of those people that like to take medicine i would i would rather suufer a headache before taking anything. But i know that this is very inportant

Thanks for your comments guys

Hi, I hope things go well at the appointment and that you can get some things cleared up. I'm like you regarding medicine - I used to take about 4 paracetomol a year max! But, I have to say that I don't really think of insulin as medicine, never have, and always forget to mention it when asked what I'm taking! Actually, to me it's obvious that if I'm Type 1 diabetic then I'm on insulin, so it shouldn't really need saying.

Insulin is not like other medications - it's not altering your heartbeat or messing with your arteries, it's just replacing something that's missing. And despite all the speculation here, you may not need it.🙂
I'm terrible with needles so the prospect of insulin is not an attractive one to me for that reason. But there are advantages to insulin, in that you match insulin to carbs and so can be a little more free with food on occasions than a tightly controlled non-injecting T2.

I'm not saying you have LADA, but I think you should get it checked now. There are some LADAs who are misdiagnosed as T2s who then move onto insulin and have a much harder time getting onto courses etc because they are "only" T2. In the eyes of some people a T2 on insulin is considered to have "failed" to look after themselves (total nonsense) wheras a T1 or a T1.5 is more of an unfortunate victim of circumstance. So getting the correct diagnosis can make a difference in a few ways.

But on the other hand it could be t2 with some oddities such as an illness causing BGs to rise in the short term. You've hinted though that this has been getting worse over time. With some tests your doc might be able to work something out but I suggest you ask for a GAD65 test anyway to be sure.
I'm terrible with needles so the prospect of insulin is not an attractive one to me for that reason. But there are advantages to insulin, in that you match insulin to carbs and so can be a little more free with food on occasions than a tightly controlled non-injecting T2.

I'm not saying you have LADA, but I think you should get it checked now. There are some LADAs who are misdiagnosed as T2s who then move onto insulin and have a much harder time getting onto courses etc because they are "only" T2. In the eyes of some people a T2 on insulin is considered to have "failed" to look after themselves (total nonsense) wheras a T1 or a T1.5 is more of an unfortunate victim of circumstance. So getting the correct diagnosis can make a difference in a few ways.

But on the other hand it could be t2 with some oddities such as an illness causing BGs to rise in the short term. You've hinted though that this has been getting worse over time. With some tests your doc might be able to work something out but I suggest you ask for a GAD65 test anyway to be sure.

Thank you both for your comments i will let you know.
hi good luck with the appointment wakman x
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