Nose bleeds

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm not having one, but I am listening to a conversation in the office. Their cure for a nose bleed is to apply a turnequet (sp?) to the neck.

Last time I cheked the correct first aid was to lean forwards, place something above top lip and under nose and breath through the mouth.

I am NOT having a noce bleed in the office, I don't want to be strangled!
I'm not having one, but I am listening to a conversation in the office. Their cure for a nose bleed is to apply a turnequet (sp?) to the neck.

Last time I cheked the correct first aid was to lean forwards, place something above top lip and under nose and breath through the mouth.

I am NOT having a noce bleed in the office, I don't want to be strangled!

A what to the neck? :S

I constantly see people throwing their heads back when they have nosebleeds which makes this alot worse!
I'm not having one, but I am listening to a conversation in the office. Their cure for a nose bleed is to apply a turnequet (sp?) to the neck.

Last time I cheked the correct first aid was to lean forwards, place something above top lip and under nose and breath through the mouth.

I am NOT having a noce bleed in the office, I don't want to be strangled!

Okay then 😱 I wouldn't have one either if I were you x
I get these a lot and find an icepack works quite well. Otherwise I just lean forward, put my head down and hold a tissue (or three) under my nose. If you lean back, the blood will drain into the back of your throat and you could choke. Also leaning the head back can make any dizziness worse than leaning forward does, I don't know why that is, but that's been my experience.
A what to the neck? :S

I constantly see people throwing their heads back when they have nosebleeds which makes this alot worse!

A tournquet (still not sure about spelling).

As we can't get little feller to sit still for very long indoors, we give him ice cream or an ice lolly. It stops him for long enough to stop the bleed, although I think the something colsd also helps.
I agree i have alot of nose bleeds during the sumer months and i lean forward and pinch the top of my nose usually does the trick. If you put your head back you could choke.
I agree i have alot of nose bleeds during the sumer months and i lean forward and pinch the top of my nose usually does the trick. If you put your head back you could choke.

A friend who ges nose bleeds in the summer blames it on hayfever, and reckons it's a great excuse to eat lots of ice cream too
You know, the next time someone has a nose bleed in your office, ask them to apply the tourniqet and film it🙂 Then post it on youtube!

Amazing, how on earth do you wrap a nose up 😉
I used to get really awful nosebleeds often lasting over an hour. Best advice is as has already been stated head slightly forwards and nip the nose around where the bone meets the flshy bit of the nostrils (hope the last bit makes sense)
Applying a tourniquet to your neck to stop a nose bleed sounds like a good way of either strangling yourself or stopping the blood carrying oxygen to your brain and giving yourself brain damage. I'd like to know how they came up with such a brilliant solution!!
How mental are these people? A tourniquet in this day and age is only really used to prevent extreme blood loss (eg oh bugger my arm's been blown off) and only then as a last resort. Putting a tourniquet around someone's neck is plain stupid. All I do is I just stuff my schnozz with a bit of rolled up bog roll and leave that in for a few hours. Change if it gets properly drenched in claret.
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that made me laugh Tom - that's always my solution - stuff a few tissues up there and wait until it stops!
Ive suffered from nose bleeds all my life [leaky nose valve]all you do is pinch the bridge of the nose and breath through your mouth ,

when i was a young apprentice i was cycling to work and my nose started bleeding, i was half way up a very large hill but i said to myself bugger it I'm not stopping till i reach the top ,when i got there i sat down at the side of the road to pinch my nose and along came a cop car and out gets 2 very large cop, who then thought i had been beat up, after i explained what happened they gave me a ride up the rest of the way to work the boss took 1 look at all the blood down my shirt and sent me home on full pay lol
that made me laugh Tom - that's always my solution - stuff a few tissues up there and wait until it stops!

Good to see someone's giggling! To be fair, it's a tried and tested method for me! Shame that when I have my nosebleeds they tend to be at night which means I wake up and I find the sheets rather covered in the red stuff and then I leave a trail when I go to clean myself up!
Yep - had that too Tom -trail of blood spots from the bed to the toilet....😱:D
Yep - had that too Tom -trail of blood spots from the bed to the toilet....😱:D

Yup, if that happened when I was living at home my lovely Cocker Spaniel would follow the blood trail to find either me or the bloody tissues! They say Spaniels are mad...
I wouldn't use a turnequet to stop a nose bleed, but I'd apply it to the throats of some folks for other reasons!
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