Normal waking level

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Other Type
Hello everyone
After being on insulin for 3 months I switched to Metformin at my DSN request. It has worked ( mostly) although I notice that my waking level is usually 8.5 - 9. Also after meals it rarely goes below 10 two hours later.
I know that most CGM software sets a TIR level up to ten but what should I expect? I am in the unknown type as onset was typical T1.
I eat low carb and exercise regularly. I have asked the gp to do a new HBa1 c for the 3 months of Metformin. My first was 106 on diagnosis, second after 3 months of insulin was 52.
should I be happy about my waking level?
just an aside but of course the NHS says I should not be monitoring
Have you stopped taking insulin now? Are you being checked for MODY, or had your cPeptide checked to see how much insulin you are able to produce (which would likely be high if classically T2)

Were your levels lower on insulin?

Have you seen what happens when you eat a regular carby meal (say 75-90g of carbs)?

Are you being seen at a hospital with a specialist diabetes centre, or at your GP practice?

You may have shared all this before, sorry if asking you to repeat yourself!

I’m slightly surprised why they took you off insulin since it seemed to be working well - were you having hypos with it?
I’d ask to go back on the insulin personally @JamietDE6 I think you had a negative GAD result but I can’t remember if they did a C Peptide. Your numbers aren’t horribly high but if you’re eating low carb and are on Metformin, they’re higher than I’d personally want.
Hi no longer on insulin and did achieve 4-7 regularly when i was although did get a few hypos. DSN seemed to think level up to 10 on Metformin was fine after switching although my waking level is gradually rising i think. If i were to eat cereal for breakfast i would be in upper teens easily. Not familiar with MODY. I did ask for C peptide but was told no its too early. Got an appointment with DSN after Hba1 c in November. I suspect i need an insulin top up?
But, as you’ve said, if you eat a moderate breakfast, your blood sugar shoots up. Did you ask about your diagnosis and your treatment plan? I don’t understand the comment about it being too early fora C Peptide. A C Peptide test can help distinguish between Type 1 and Type 2.

10 in and of itself isn’t dreadful but day after day, week after week isn’t good. I’d be pushing to go back on insulin. Perhaps you simply need less than they had you on originally?
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