normal levels again

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ok as some of you know i have had a baby 4 weeks ago (today actually).
In the begining I was prepared for the lower insulin reqs but nothing as bad as had experienced. For the first 2 weeks I thought right im cured as I was only taking 1/3 of my pre pregnancy lantus and still taking hypos without using my humalog for meals! it used to be 2us for 10g carb before getting pregnant.
I think things now are trying to sort themselves out and im on 30 us of lantus which I think is working as by morning my blood sugar is on 5. It is the time in between that im having trouble with. For example on sunday I had my lunch which i took half of pre pregnancy humalog for and its going low very quickly so by tea time I take even less which takes me to 21.3!! so I correct by 2 units and im back down to 2.9 and feel terrible. (this has been happening for about a week!)
I know it will eventually sort its self out 🙄 Im just worried that in the meantime all of these high bloods are going to affect my long term health. I have been having to go through some of the day on 10/11 because of the random hypos and cant reduce my lantus as it goes sky high!!
I dont know what to do in this time to help myself and I dont just want to leave them to sort it out as I know having diabetes for 21 years will not do me any favours in the long run.
my clinic are just giving me random dosages to try and im going hypo etc with these too which is not good when looking after a little baby!
I just wanna know if anyone else on here has experienced this or has any advice re running higher than i should to avoid hypos.
I also wasnt sure to post here or on pregnancy (obviously not pregnant anymore)lol :confused:
I think this is probably a better place to post as more people will see it. I hope baby is doing well. I'm sure things will sort out. Do you have a number of the DSN who may be able to help with fluctuations? I hope things sort themselves out soon for you.
pushing up to give more folks a chance to view and help if they can.
Thanks, maybe it would be better off on the pregnancy bit! I spoke to dsn by the way its just the same old suggestions so no real help, i guess its easier to suggest ideas if you been through it! Mostly the high thing thats bothering me most to be honest, dont think my hba1c will be in the 4% region anymore lol 🙄
I'm having the exact same problems as you although i'm on 32 lantus and usually around the 7 mark in the mornings. I don't have any suggestions because I don't really know what to do myself other than just muddling through at the minute and hope they settle down soon.I just really can't be bothered to sort it out, like you I just don't have the time whilst trying to look after a newborn.

Personally i'd rather have hypo's than high's because they do more damage than hypo's but then it's hard to have to keep dealing with hypo's when your looking after grace. It's hard to know what to do for the best really. Sorry I'm not really being much help am I :confused:

I hope that it all settles down soon and you can concentrate on looking after grace without worrying about your levels so much 🙂

Thanks emma, its nice to know im not the only one to be honest!
And I feel the same about being low rather than high, but its not going to happen because I have to be responsible for the baby. I must of been on 21 the other day for about 5 hours before checking! and even at 11 I am being daft because I KNOW its not good for me lol but what choice do i have? its depressing 🙄
It really is depressing but you don't have a choice really do you. I find it hard to get time to finish eating sometimes when i've already injected - had a really bad hypo the other day cause of it so have stopped injecting beforehand now just in case xx
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