Noob here, Hi


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi peeps.....
I was diagnosed pre diabetic about 18 months ago, I tried losing weight etc over the next few months, but although I lost a bit, it was not enough, so I was then diagnosed as "proper" diabetic just over a year ago. It was a shock and a wake up call for me.
I initially started with Metformin (x4 a day) but it constantly upset my stomach, so then changed to slow release metformin (x3 a day) which was much better.
My figures have come down and I've lost a bit more weight, but still not enough.

So, I heard about (via my diabetic nurse at my GP practice) about the Type 2 Diabetes Pathway to Remission Programme. Its a total diet replacement scheme (12 weeks) with ongoing support for a further 9 months. It sounded good to me.....
After the initial presentation to see if I was suitable (I was) and a slight delay, I started the programme yesterday!

No normal food, only the provided meals, (shakes and soups) each of only 200 calories, you have four a day, so only 800 calories a day!
On day 2 and going ok so far, but its early days. I hope to contribute to the forum where I can.

Hi and welcome.

There are a few people here on the forum trying the Pathway to remission program, so hopefully some of them will be along soon and some who did it themselves following the Newcastle diet and Professor Roy Taylor and his team's work at Newcastle university which ultimately led to the program you are on. I think @zuludog may be one of those. Off the top of my head I am struggling to think of members who are just starting it. I think @Nayshiftin was waiting to start it last time I read one of her posts.

Anyway, I hope it is successful for you, but if not there are other options that people find just as effective. Following a low carb way of eating is particularly popular and I myself find this way of eating helps to reduce prevent cravings and comfort eating and is a sustainable long term way of eating which helps me manage my Blood Glucose (BG) levels well. Many people here achieve remission through this approach too although as a Type 1 that is not possible for me.

Good luck and keep us posted with how you get on. Maybe start a daily or weekly report on how you are managing. Things you find challenging or easy, any little successes that we can congratulate you on or shout up if you need a bit of moral support and motivation. We are here to support you in any way we can.
Hello there and welcome to the forum @pigtech
Welcome to the forum @pjgtech

Good luck with the 12-week programme. Have you got a weight-loss target as part of it, or will they just see where you end up?

@Kreator had a very positive experience with Oviva, another earlier provider of a similar programme.

He wrote about his expepriences here: