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Nonstructural Carb Tolerance in Healthy Horses

This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.


Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
(In case there are any horses looking in... 😉)

The words "nonstructural carbohydrates" have become almost synonymous with "bad news" in the horse industry, mainly because many owners' goals have been to reduce these sugars and starches (while increasing fat levels) to provide "safer" calories for certain horses. Such strategies are desirable for horses with conditions such as recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis, polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM), equine metabolic syndrome, or Cushing's disease, but until recently it was unclear what an NSC diet means for a "normal," nonobese horse.

LOL - same as if you have a diabetic dog or cat, you are advised to feed a low carb diet.

Comes to summat when the ruddy animal kingdom gets a better diet recommended than humans get, doesn't it?
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.