Non sticking cannulas

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Has anyone else had problems. We’re using a tslim and have had the occasional one come off before but just recently have had real problems getting one to stick. Nothing different in terms of placemat, skin prep or anything. Poor kid had to try 3 last pump change, got the second one to stick this time and then 4 hours later it came off.
Yes we find the t-slim cannulas don’t stick well at all! The Roche ones used to stick so hard we needed Lift Plus spray to get them off again, the t-slim ones fall off at the first opportunity! We've tried overtaping with Tegaderm, that had mixed results. Skin Tak wipes were brilliant until my daughter's skin decided it couldn’t tolerate it, you could try that perhaps.
Yes we find the t-slim cannulas don’t stick well at all! The Roche ones used to stick so hard we needed Lift Plus spray to get them off again, the t-slim ones fall off at the first opportunity! We've tried overtaping with Tegaderm, that had mixed results. Skin Tak wipes were brilliant until my daughter's skin decided it couldn’t tolerate it, you could try that perhaps.
Thanks. I’ll try some of that and see if it works. Poor kid was distraught at another one coming off.
I get fed up too, i know they aren’t cheap and I hate waste! It’s not my daughter doing anything wrong though. Another thing someone suggested is put a Tegaderm on the skin first and then insert the cannula through it, it sticks to the Tegaderm better than to skin. Skin tak was fab the few times we used it, unfortunately my daughter’s skin seems to be suddenly rebelling against anything sticking to it at all and we’re having to use various combinations of Cavilon barrier spray plus other sticky things to try and get the cannulas and Dexcoms to stay on! Hope you’ll have a bit better luck 🙂
Have you tried complaining to the company? If not do so and make sure you have the canulas replaced.
Yes we’ve got replacement cannulas on the way. We’ll try with the tegaderm and I have some skin tac on the way. It’s just turned into a bit of a traumatic thing right now so I need it to work.
That is such a pity @Thebearcametoo
It must be very frustrating. I hope that they respond to your complaint.
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