nominating mods

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
I was just wondering what your thoughts were regarding enlisting mods.🙂

I absolutely approve of all our mods so far - no complaints at all. But just thinking that maybe we should have a system for voting mods in? I would nominate Shiv, Sugarbum and Shelly as mods for the younger generation and either Patricia or Adrienne for the parent mods. Any thoughts?🙂Bev
Hi Bev, it's a really nice idea to recognise people's contributions to the site and make suggestions for new mods. I was just wondering though if people would feel that a public nomination puts them under pressure to do the job - I know some people are very busy and maybe wouldn't have the time to commit to it. Also I don't know if people would be upset if nominated and then not voted for - I wouldn't want it to be like picking teams in PE!

That's just my thoughts though.
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