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Noctura 400


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well just been reading about the Noctura 400 sleep mask, anyone tried this? Gets some good reviews and apparently is available on the NHS, a bit expensive to self fund.
Yes I am using it now, I am 8 days into a three month course and for me it is already making a difference. its expensive but in my opinion worth every penny so far.
Yes I am currently self funding, I wasn’t aware the NHS were possibly funding these as a treatment I’ve been wearing one for just over a fortnight now

I had seen it online and was / still am slightly sceptical if it will help
I had previously tried to discuss this as an option with a eye consultant, as ive been under the DMO clinic within the NHS for about 10 years, under them have previously had laser treatment on one eye and then injections in both
however 10 years on still undergoing treatment (one eye) for a swelling in my retina
so decided to give it a try