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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone. I hope you can help me as you have always been very helpful . A few weeks ago I was feeling really unwell as I was driving and pulled into Tesco carpark. I went to their chemist and after describing my symptoms he said he thought my blood sugars may be high. After sitting in the cafe for an hour I felt well enough to drive home. On testing my bg level was 14.1. I rang the DN nurse who wasn't very sympathetic and stated that there was no need for me to self test as I'm taking Metformin. She made an appointment for a blood test and looking on line for the results it states BG 10.1. This was a fasting test. There is no hb1ac result and I have not been contacted by the surgery. It just states online that the results are satisfactory and no further action is required. I am sorry for the lengthy post but I'm confused as to what I should do next. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Well done for identifying you didn’t feel right and for pulling over @Trisha66 You did absolutely the right thing.

10.1 is high for a fasting blood sugar. I’m Type 1 not Type 2 but I’m sure some Type 2s will be along later to explain more. I think you’re doing the right thing testing your blood sugars. Do you test before and after meals too?

Would you be happy to post an average day’s food here? Maybe you need a few tweaks to your diet?
Well done for identifying you didn’t feel right and for pulling over @Trisha66 You did absolutely the right thing.

10.1 is high for a fasting blood sugar. I’m Type 1 not Type 2 but I’m sure some Type 2s will be along later to explain more. I think you’re doing the right thing testing your blood sugars. Do you test before and after meals too?

Would you be happy to post an average day’s food here? Maybe you need a few tweaks to your diet?

Well done for identifying you didn’t feel right and for pulling over @Trisha66 You did absolutely the right thing.

10.1 is high for a fasting blood sugar. I’m Type 1 not Type 2 but I’m sure some Type 2s will be along later to explain more. I think you’re doing the right thing testing your blood sugars. Do you test before and after meals too?

Would you be happy to post an average day’s food here? Maybe you need a few tweaks to your diet?
Thanks for your reply. I usually test before and 2 hours after meals and the lowest read before meals has been 6.9 going up to 12.8. I usually have 1 slice of toast on a morning with yoghurt and fruit at midday and chicken or beef with veg or salad and a few new potatoes for evening meals. I snack on mixed nuts . I was also drinking diet coke which I've stopped and now I drink water. In the last 2 years I've lost over 3 stone.
Ok, well that’s good because there are a few things that you could experiment with in your average daily diet above. What fruit do you have? Berries are lower carb so they’re ideal. I’d also look at cutting down the new potatoes and seeing the effect on your after-meal result. Maybe have half what you do now. Sometimes little changes can work surprisingly well. Even something like a post-meal walk can have a good effect.

Well done on your weight loss - that’s a fabulous amount to lose 😎
Ok, well that’s good because there are a few things that you could experiment with in your average daily diet above. What fruit do you have? Berries are lower carb so they’re ideal. I’d also look at cutting down the new potatoes and seeing the effect on your after-meal result. Maybe have half what you do now. Sometimes little changes can work surprisingly well. Even something like a post-meal walk can have a good effect.

Well done on your weight loss - that’s a fabulous amount to lose 😎
Hi, I'm going to have to cut down on potatoes as they're my downfall. I do tend to eat melon which isn't ideal. In the last couple of hours I've received a text from the doctors advising my Hb1ac is 61 and I need to watch my diet and have another blood test in 12 weeks. It also gives a link to this website. I know what I need to do I'm just struggling a bit
Make some small changes first. Swap the melon for berries and cut down the potatoes. If you allow yourself one or two at first, you won’t feel so deprived and you’ll see how this affects you. There’s a lot of emotional support here, if you need it. We all know how wearing diabetes can be.
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