No pump...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Oh well, on the plus side I now know the reason for the silly sugar levels & tiredness...😱

Typical... because my period was a few days late & despite 3 'negative' pregnancy tests over the last few days, I figured, "just in case", I had better just quadruple check & do another check today, as I was due to start on the pump tomorrow, & figured it might have an impact on things if I was...

well, you guessed it, bingo, postive. 😱 (How did that happen?! 😱) Phoned the DSN who 'does' the pumps and surprise, surprise, the pump is off...she "doesn't want to take responsibility for the effects of transitioning onto the pump on the outcome of the pregnancy"... however evidently it's quite ok for me to keep struggling along, up twice in the night now despite being on massively increased dosages of background & still hardly ever able to get my levels below 10, that's ok, presumably because it's not her responsibility. Great. 😡

Basically it feels like they have told me that this pump is the perfect solution to all my problems but now that I really need it, guess what?....can't have it. The only ray of light is that I have an antenatal clinic appt later this week where I will get to put my case to the consultant... not too optimistic though. Makes you wonder, what would they do if you got on the pump & then got up the duff??!

SO, SO CROSS!!!! Just feels like they can't be bothered & view it as too much hassle to support me whilst pregnant.

Hi Twitchy...

I'm sorry to hear that the news on the pump is off for a little while...but fingers crossed at your ante-natal appointment...the opinion of the medical profession may change..I can understand how down you must feel about this..but as you say..what would happen if you were already on a pump and then became pregnant...

On this note though in a few months time you will be holding a new baby...:D..Congratulations....

Has the news sunk in..or are you still in a little bit of surprised mode?

Aw Twitchy, I am so sorry to hear this. I don't know much about the ins and outs, but I know that Kati (our Admin) who has just had a baby has had to wait until delivery before she can go on a pump. Hopefully, she will be back here soon and can offer you some support and advice.

I do, however, hope it is OK to congratulate you on the baby! Hope that, despite your fears, things improve soon.
Congratulations on baby news. I'm sure all will go well.

Sorry to hear about the pump, but you are seeing various medical people so any thing could change.
Congratulations on the baby, but I'm sorry it's affected your pump training. It makes me wonder what they'd have done if you hadn't found out until next week though...

I'm fairly sure our clinic will sometimes *deliberately* put people on pumps during pregnancy if they're having problems managing their blood sugars, because the most important thing is good control. So I reckon you should fight your case with the antenatal consultant. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🙂

And if it comes down to it, at least you know you'll get a pump eventually...
congrats on the baby , but sorry to hear about the pump twitch xx
Congratulations on the pregnancy.

I think that when people go onto pumps they can run on the high side and can be a rough time for some people, so for those people staying on MDI until the birth is better option. Maybe your consultant will approve you to still go onto the pump if thats what you want.
I guess it's probably the transition from MDI to the pump that they're concerned about rather than the actual being on a pump and pregnant. As sofaraway says, people can sometime run high for a while when they're first go on the pump and I suppose that plus the general effect of pregnancy on blood sugars may be confusing...?

Congratualtions on the pregnancy!
Thanks for the messages everyone, & the congrats... I'm a bit calmer now. I think if I hadn't had 3 negative tests I'd be a bit less taken aback...99% accuracy, eh?! 🙄 Not a statistician, but does that make me special?! 😉

Still not sure I believe the 2 positive tests, & not feeling terribly positive that "all will be well" at the mo, especially as I think I had the dreaded flu a couple of weeks ago.... but I guess all I can do is whack up the BI dose & keep on with the MDI trial & error technique (how exactly does that differ from going onto a pump, I wonder?! 😡) I will try & be rational about this though, obviously sproglet's safety must come first, but that is exactly why I'd like to go on a pump...ho hum. I guess I will just have to make my case to the consultant & see. Oh well...never straightforward, is it?! 😱
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