No-one would've guessed this HbA1c.....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sorry for the outburst.....


I am sad. My HbA1c has gone up from 7.9% to 8.5% 😱

I felt quite upset when I found this out this morning. All this pump razmataz has been hard work over the last 7 weeks, and I know I have been quite high while getting used to it and pre-pump was running high (I think the previous 7.9% was in february). But 8.5% again....surely that is NOT fair.

Ive thrown an almighty strop in a very small empty cupboard this morning at work and Im moving on.

Had to share coz I felt a bit on the sad side (but getting over it slowly with a 2bar KitKat =13gm!)

Lou xx
Awww, I can understand why you're disappointed but the thing I think to bear in mind is going on the pump is a big lifestyle change so the fact that things haven't settled down too quickly isn't totally unexplainable. The good thing is you've put in some of the ground work already so I'm sure your next one will be heading in the right direction.

The kitkat sounds like the perfect antidote!
Don't be too hard on yourself, you've done well to get a pump, and from what I've read they sound like hard work, and would no doubt take a bit of fine tuning!

Hope you enjoyed the kitkat.

Next time you have a snack gap, twix fits!
Hi Lou,

Sorry to hear your result has gone up slightly. If it's any consolation mine did too when I first started on the pump. It is a slow process getting the dosage fine tuned and even after 18 months I am still fine tuning mine due to changes in my lifestyle. It will get better so don't feel down about it.

You have far better self control on the choccie front, I devour a big bar of fruit and nut when I get fed up lol

have you started wearing your bat suit for the new job yet? Lol
Thanks guys xxxx

Damn. Need to change my signature......!
Hi Lou,

Sorry to hear your result has gone up slightly. If it's any consolation mine did too when I first started on the pump. It is a slow process getting the dosage fine tuned and even after 18 months I am still fine tuning mine due to changes in my lifestyle. It will get better so don't feel down about it.

You have far better self control on the choccie front, I devour a big bar of fruit and nut when I get fed up lol

have you started wearing your bat suit for the new job yet? Lol

Oh thats good to know, cheers! well I guess if it is a rough average of 3 months then thats only a 7 week effort pumpin'. I think if Medtronic were to give me more 'skins' this would help my hba1c a little 😉

New job starts on 31st August! I have started my research and I now watch "Americas most dangerous prisons" on channel 5 and Im now streetwise "california style"! I even tried to solve mass crime pathetically today at work on behalf of some big police bods (but that was only because the police officer was good looking....!) im all over this like a rash!

Do you find your a1c is better? or consistant each time? Im feeling the peer pressure.....everyone elses always seems so good. Ohh well. With an HbA1c like this I think I'm going to directly to jail......😉😛

hi lou sorry to hear this , like been said dont be to hard on yourself, i have no expereince on pumps or knowitn what they do to levels , but as has been said they are hard work i guess

perfect remendy a good ol kitkat MMMM

Hi Lou,

lol at the response, loved it! Think you will fo anything at the moment to be near the policeman lol

7 weeks on the pump isn't long, my dsn wouldn't even do an HBA1C until I had been on the pump for the full 3 months and there was a slight improvent. However, it doesn't stay stable for me, but then nor do my readings on a daily basis despite eating the same things.

Technology is good and I love my pump but it still has limits and our bodies or especially mine, don't seem to like having to stick to a set pattern.

Keep perservering and smiling, it will improve. Maybe it's the drooling over the policeman that sends your sugars up lol just wait till you ate locked up with them lol
Hi Sugarbum!

Sorry to hear you're feeling frustrated, I guess I would be too... but don't you run a bit higher than you normally would when you go on to the pump for the first few weeks anyway? I remember being told that they try & initially get you stable around the 10mmol mark, then tweak it down, which surely would account for the slightly raised HbA1c? I'm sure once things settle down your HbA1c will be ace, & we'll all be jealous! 🙂

Hang on in there, you're doing so well!!

All the best,

(the thwarted wannabe pumper! 😉 )
Thanks Twitch and others!

Feeling much better about it today, slightly enabled by my waking BM of 7.1 (something I wasnt even capable of pre-pump and until about last week). Its just a blip hey...

Twitchy good luck with getting the pump, how is all that going BTW? I know its a proper frustrating process to be in.

Cheers all x
Hi Sugarbum,

Please dont be disheartened - i have been told that A's is likely to go up for the first hba1c after pumping - simply because of the 'guessing' that we will have to do all over again. It really is like starting from scratch i have been told.

Its all a learning curve and you are so knowledgable about pumping in such a short time - i am sure you will be fine tuning it all very soon!🙂

Enjoy the kitkat and be proud that you have been putting lots of effort into the past 7 weeks!:DBev
Hi Sugarbum

I've just seen your post, first one I've read since holiday.

I'm so sorry you are disappointed but I don't think anyone has pointed something crucial out. When you get your first HbA1c when someone starts pumping generally they have gone up !!!! You are a classic beginner pumper. The reason is that you are quite a bit higher than you would normally have been whilst trying to get the basals and ratios sorted.

So I would be rather pleased with yourself actually, the jump wasn't that high. Wait for the next test and you should be pleasantly surprised (providing the basals and ratios are ok of course).

Hope that helps. 🙂
Glad you're feeling better sugarbum! 🙂

The pump saga continues... when I found out I was pregnant a week or so ago, they immediately said no to the pump...long story short, the specialist pump nurses didn't feel confident enough & didn't want to get sued if the pregnancy went wrong. Since then, I have had masses of ketones, crazy levels & finally just got a bit kamikazee with the insulin - hypos allegedy don't harm the baby, ketones do, so whack up the insulin I figured. Amazingly, my dawn phenomenon seems to have sumbitted to the greater chaos that is pregnancy, which I guess is good... as when I'm testing overnight (2hrly, as advised) I can generally now keep things sane looking with relatively small corrections compared to before... the flip side of this is I know they will use that to say "oh look, you don't need a pump after all!" 😡 Assuming all goes well, what I'm really really dreading is the post birth phase...I was really hoping to have the flexibility of the pump to help with feeding etc... :(

What's really really annoying me right now is that every time I go hypo (at least once every 24hrs, at different times) I'm having to eat instead of being able to reduce the background. My doses have gone up from 14u am/pm to 21 / 23! So loads of insulin floating around, occasionally needing mopping up. I'm starting to feel huge already!!!! I know I should be exercising but I don't really dare. I haven't been eating fruit, as it's too difficult to carb count & i can't make small accurate corrections (& they want you between 4-7 remember) so I am starting to feel like I am living on rich tea biscuits (in half qtys to get 1/4 cp accuracy) and pregnacare tablets!!

Anyway, sorry to rant, didn't mean to get carried away. Will just have to see what "help" I get at the clinic today...
Oh my goodness Twitchy??! This sounds crazyness....poor you, I bet that what you are describing there takes a lot of time and effort... its so difficult getting that kind of control. It must be really hard.

I hope you really do get offered some proper help today at the clinic, or Im sure this pregancy will seem a very long one!

All thes best and good luck. Let us know how you go hun, lots of love xx
hey sugarbum, I just wanted to say (after seeing your signature)... Your HbA1c isn't too bad, especially after only 7 weeks 😱 so don't let it worry you! I'm sure it will come right down once youve been on the pump a while 🙂
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