No need to panic over kids' sleep

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Is lack of sleep turning children into unteachable zombies, irritable at home and prone to obesity? Let's take a calm look at the facts

A GREAT deal of anxiety is being expressed over children not getting enough sleep, usually because of lax bedtimes, watching too much TV and playing video games. Teachers and parents worry sleep-deprived children will be too tired to perform at school and irritable at home. Scientists worry kids are becoming fat: according to recent research, sleep-deprived children are twice as likely to be obese.

As just one example of sleep anxiety, a recent British survey of 2000 families warned of an "epidemic" of sleeplessness among children aged 5 to 15. It claimed that two-thirds of them are being turned into "zombies" by late-night gaming, television, YouTube and cellphone use, and it warned of the consequences for their waistlines. The survey was carried out for the UK hotel chain Travelodge - self-styled "retailer of sleep" - and it was not published in a peer-reviewed journal. It still found its way into mainstream media.
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