No more Animas :(

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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Animas Corporation to Close Operations and Exit Insulin Pump Market.
Company will work with Medtronic as a partner-of-choice to help ensure a smooth transition for patients on insulin pumps

UK and Europe business seems to be unaffected - for now, but "A decision and timing to exit countries outside of the U.S. and Canada is subject to completing consultation with relevant works councils"

I've only ever used Medtronic, and get on really well with them, and I've sensed that Animas have been struggling for a while, but I think this is very bad news for the insulin pump market - especially with Roche pulling out of the insulin pump market in the US.
Considering as Animas haven't improved their pump in the last 12 years except add cgm to it the news doesn't surprise me, very disappointed though.
Sad news. With Animas pulling out, Roche's Insight plagued with problems, and the Cellnovo never really getting off the ground, that just leaves a two horse race between Medtronic and Omnipod. No doubt costs will go up . It's a real shame, because competition drives innovation...
As others have said, this is really bad news for competition.
Sad news. With Animas pulling out, Roche's Insight plagued with problems, and the Cellnovo never really getting off the ground, that just leaves a two horse race between Medtronic and Omnipod. No doubt costs will go up . It's a real shame, because competition drives innovation...

Well there are a number of new (and not so new) kids on the block too. DanaR, Tandem, Bigfoot Biomedical, Kaleido, Medtrum...

But there was always something quite reassuring about being able to pick a company for a 4 year contract that had decades of successful service under their belt(s)
I must be jinxed, my first pump was the Cozmo which was withdrawn by smiths medical and now the aimas pump is going at some point. :(
In my opinion Medtronic have always been world leaders. Wait for the new baby to reach this country 😎
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