No longer a member of the moderator team

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I regret that I feel that I can no longer act in this capacity. I advised Admin of this two days ago.

I shall still visit the forum quite frequently and am extremely grateful for the supportive and knowledgable members I have been fortunate enough to communicate with on the board and by the occasional less public pm.

I would sincerely ask that other than in a pm, and then with great caution, your email and instant message links are not published openly in the forum.
Sorry to hear this John. I do hope all is well with you. You were, I think, the first person to respond to my first couple of posts. Your posts are always interesting and helpful. Take care and look after yourself.

hi john i hope you are ok and i am very sorry to hear you are no longer one of our moderators and i wish you well for the future.
Dear John, I am sorry your wit and wisdom is withdrawing but I wish you well. Perhaps you would keep us advised of your progress from time to time - perhaps by pm ? Your kind messages to me personally have always been useful and I have been glad of your input.

All the very best -
My post may have been misunderstood.

I remain as a member but no longer wish to be a moderator. Thank you for your kind responses.
Hi John,

Sorry to hear that. Hope you keep posting, your knowledge is a wonderful guide to the new people on these boards.

Tom H
As I said in PM I'm glad you are staying around because you are a valuable member here.
Thank you for all your help in moderating these past few weeks.
Sorry you are no longer moderating, but sometimes it is better to step back from something than carry on with it if you don't feel able. At least we will have you on the forums with your wit and wisdom.
sorry to hear this kojack hope all is well x
Feel free to correct any future spelling mistakes in my signature and save me from the shame that is my rubbish spelling :D
Tankewe kaytea. Ewe kann doughnlode hay spelchequer ewsin thee tic abbuv hinn reppleye payj un riteclique onnit
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Hi Kojack,
I am very sorry you dont feel you can continue moderating on this site - but i completely understand that you have to make yourself happy first - i know it cant be easy to devote so much time to a site like this - but please do not feel 'bad' about changing your direction! Your very supportive messages that you sent for Alex were very much appreciated and will never be forgotten as we were in a sad place at the time and we will cherish your kindness forever.
From what i 'know' of you - you are a very thoughtful and decent man and i am happy to say that you have made us laugh and given us answers to our increasingly delving questions! So happy that you will still be contributing to the site in whatever capacity! Alex said your like the diabetes family grandpa!(thats a compliment by the way). Bev🙂
Ok, I will do that 😉

Katie , don?t worry about your spelling, it's not a problem, the problem is those people they come to a forum and criticise poor spelling, they have the problem, I?ve seen it on many forums, they are the "Self Appointed Spell Checkers" I call them "K**b Heads" :D Also Spell checkers are not infallible, you might like to try what I do, type your message out in word before posting, cut and paste into the forum, but none the less don?t let it bother you 🙂 Stay Safe 😎
Sorry Kojack I went a bit of Topic !
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Katie , don?t worry about your spelling, it's not a problem, the problem is those people they come to a forum and criticise poor spelling, they have the problem, I?ve seen it on many forums, they are the "Self Appointed Spell Checkers" I call them "K**b Heads" :D Also Spell checkers are not infallible, you might like to try what I do, type your message out in word before posting, cut and paste into the forum, but none the less don?t let it bother you 🙂 Stay Safe 😎
Sorry Kojack I went a bit of Topic !


This started as a personal banter between Katie and myself ref the ambiguity of one word.
Katie's spelling ability has never been in doubt and I certainly would never be, as you call it, a "Self Appointed Spell Checker".

Yes, you certainly went off topic and I regret that I feel personally slighted and offended.

This started as a personal banter between Katie and myself ref the ambiguity of one word.
Katie's spelling ability has never been in doubt and I certainly would never be, as you call it, a "Self Appointed Spell Checker".

Yes, you certainly went off topic and I regret that I feel personally slighted and offended.

You were not mentioned in the posting at all, it was not aimed at anyone in paticular you only have to read it and see that, it was just a genral comment about ANYONE that comes to any forum corrcting memebers spelling, I did'nt know that it was a Private joke between the two of you, and with that I say your reply, is slighting and offending to myself. So I mke no apoligys to eny one. It certainly was not aimed at you personely.
The Moral is... Dont make your private and personal jokes public.
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Hi John

I'm pleased you are staying around. I'm new ish to this list (although this is is new ish list isn't it, I think).

Please feel free to correct my spelling any day. I am the most awful speller and the humourous banter between fellow members lightens the most horrible subject of diabetes once in a while, so do your worst please! Greatly appreciated :D:D
Me too please Kojack!! I know that I type fast and so focus upon what I'm trying to say rather than the spelling - not very good for an academic!!!!🙄
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