No Insulin!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
help -Just done something really stupid - didn't realise my Novo Rapid (bolus) was about finished, and just had lunch!
Anybody know whether if I take some of my Levimir (basal) I'll be Ok until I go home at 5.30'ish. Bit of a wide subject, but never done it before in over 2 years of being diagnosed!
I would say dont use the levemir as you could risk a hypo in the night and i doubt it would be enough to sort out the food. Cant you pop to the gp or chemist and explain the situation? If you go to the same chemist all the time - they may lend you a vial until you get your prescription sorted out? Let us know what happens- hope you get it sorted.🙂Bev
Can't add to Bevs advice, but I hope everything works out OK

Thanks ladies, I feel Ok and can probly leave early. My chemist is about 20 miles away, but I have more in the fridge at home. Guess its better to be too high than too low
hi Ron i hope you will be ok , i cant really add to what bev has said but hope it works out ok x
It is probably best to check your blood sugar hourly. If it starts getting very high (say over 15) it may be worth giving your DSN a ring as you are in danger of developing ketones. Good luck with it.
Hope you're sorted now. To avoid problem happening again, a couple of tips: Always keep a spare cartridge in your pen kit. Always look at your pen before eating - then if no insulin, you can eat no carb food. As you say, you insulin at home ready for tea, so that's sorted.
Thanks to all of you

Cheers guys, I'm home, and after a brisk walk my BS is 7.9. Usually around 5.0 > 6.0 at evening meal time, so will let it drop a bit and eat later.
Thanks for helping put my mind at rest - hopefully won't do it again!
i've never done that, but on a couple of occasions i've walked out the house with an empty vial in the mornings. just means a salad for lunch and no snacks. i should probably do it more often 😛
Blimey Ron, that was a close one!

Can I ask what you had for lunch as you don't seem to have gone too high, thankfully!

Fortunately I had a weghtwatchers microwave curry, which generally are OK for me with usual insulin dose.
I did take 6 units of my basal, and had a fairly long tour of the construction site I work on. Reduced my basal last night, which resulted in a 7.9 waking level - bu I'd rather be high than low!
Thanks for the interest.
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