No inclination to do anything

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Yesterday my "get up and go" crept up and went. I also felt extremely irritable.

Thanks to this board and the frankness of the people posting, I realised that on this occasion it was possibly due to diabetes.

Just starting to get my thoughts together again this evening but at least by gaining a little understanding of why it happened I have rationalised it as a symptom and am now back to my almost normal grumpy self.

Thanks folks
ha ha i think my get up and go moved out when diabetes moved in.
God yes, my emotions are so tied to my blood glucose that it's unreal. Whether I'm low or high I'm irrational, irritable and grumpy. When I'm hypo, not even Superman could move fast enough to get me something sugary. When I'm high someone can annoy me by the way they pronounce their Ts, or asking how I am, or breathing my oxygen, or just existing really. If somebody dare ask if I'm hyperglycaemic or need some sugar, I take it as a personal criticism and ask since when they've been a qualified doctor.

It really must be such fun living with me! :D
I too have days where my "get up and go" just goes back to bed and stays there! As for the irritability when I'm going hypo - understand completely Worsel's comment about "breathing my oxygen". Must be difficult living with me too but at least my husband now gets the benefit of the doubt when I'm irritated at something I perceive he has done or not done as I assume it must be me and my diabetes
I was this grumpy before the diabetes - now I have an excuse. It does help in arguements with my wife, I can say sorry and blame it on being 'low' Hehehehe she gets to blame PMT and I get to blame sugar 1 - 1 methinks I'll settle for a draw. Just a thought - how about putting a type1 in a reality show like big brother and ration the sugar? - could be explosive telly.
ha ha thats a brilliant idea. ill go sign up for it, what would we have for 1st prize?? what about our weight in choc?? that would be nice, death by chocolate, i wonder if that counts as suicide if your diabetic????? only a joke sorry.
I'd just love to see someone try and pinch some chocolate off a diabeteic, especially if the've gone hypo. When I need chocolate, I NEED CHOCOLATE!!
ha ha yes it would be funny to see. nobody messes with me when im hypo, especially if galaxy choc is involved!!
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