No Drugs :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just had donut, mmm, and intend eating a second lunch in an hour or so, but I've just noticed I've got no damn novorapid on me! balls! looks like I'll be flying high till I get home, was gonna be a late one too lots to do, arse!
Only 4 miles but on the train and they're every 2 hours during the day and when get home be another hour till I could get back, so would result in no work getting done!! so I think I'll have to stick it out:(
Bu$$er. I have done that before too. I try and check I have insulin before eating, but it does not always work
I changed my levemir last night, looked at me novo and thought got a few days left in there???? Obviously not! Starting to feel a wee bit high, or is it in my head I'll check in a bit I think, and may head off early if I need to and work at home into the wee hours!!
I changed my levemir last night, looked at me novo and thought got a few days left in there???? Obviously not! Starting to feel a wee bit high, or is it in my head I'll check in a bit I think, and may head off early if I need to and work at home into the wee hours!!

yes good idea ross, dont want to go stupidly high just to stay at work. Let us know how it goes!
can you keep a stash at work? I have some in the communal fridge (in the butter compartment of course - which should be renamed the insulin compartment). I have a friend who has a little mini fridge in her office with back up supplies in it.
yeah I think I will bring some drugs into work for emergencies!!

Cheers yeah I'll let you know how i go🙄
Too late, I know, but I always keep a spare cartridge of both my short and long acting insulins in the pencil case in which I keep insulin related items. It's meant that in over 14 years, I've never been without insulin when I need it, even when unexpected staying overnight somewhere. Guess you'll have to make do with just one lunch, Rossi?!?
Hi rossi

Always check you got drugs you lunatic!!

See your post was hours ago, so imagine your over the worst!
Cheers Dave!!

Yeah 1 lunch is probably best and I will be taking spares in!

Yeah worst over, okay now actually, didn't get too high mid teens, although I did feel high (how much is mental I'll never know) It was probably more panic as I was unsure how much I had actually injected at lunch and had just eaten and wated to eat more! All good now, what an arse!
Oh dear Rossi... That sounds like something I'd do (and have done!)!! Glad you didn't go sky high!
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