No Delivery

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just got this on my pump when trying to correct a 12.3. Changed set this morning.

A No Delivery is the LAST thing I need right now. I don't believe it. I could just curl up in a corner and cry.

Obviously going to change set. But I've just checked the IOB, and pump won't let me correct again. Do I override this and correct the 1.4u it suggested (before alarm), anyway? Or do I hope that some of the correction went in, leave it be and check in an hour? (Bearing in mind I've had problems with hypos recently.)

I don't know what to do.

Now I'm going to have to delay lunch 'til BG comes down, which means I'm probably going to have to abandon this evening's planned basal test. If I don't eat 'til after 2, I can't start a basal test 'til after 6. So I'm looking at a good chance of BG shooting through the roof after dinner again.

I can't see the wood for the trees right now, and I've had enough. Can anyone help?! Don't feel like I can make any rational decisions.

I didn't correct again when I changed the set, but couldn't wait another hour to check. Now 11.8 (30mins later), so no higher. Have taken 0.3u correction and about to eat lunch & bolus in the hope that this set is working, and I can still do the basal test later.

Don't know if this is a good idea or a stupid idea. Can't think straight :confused:
Thanks, Shiv, you're a star 🙂

Apparently 1.25u went in, so hopefully I won't skyrocket later.

Lunch bolus was 4.7u (eating lots as this will probably be the last food of the day), and the pump seemed to have no complaints, so fingers crossed.
I know what you mean about not seeing the wood for the trees. That's exactly how I feel at the moment. Maybe we should log all our BGs onto some kind of spreadsheet and send them to each other to see if we can spot things the other hasn't! :D
about all you can do is have a look at the bolus history to see what might have been deliverd..

When you changed your set did you reposition it under your waistband? I've done this on a couple of occasions had an occulsiong (non delivery) but the problems been that I've had my waistband of my jeans (normal attire for me) sitting or pressing against it!

Just a thought
I didn't correct again when I changed the set, but couldn't wait another hour to check. Now 11.8 (30mins later), so no higher. Have taken 0.3u correction and about to eat lunch & bolus in the hope that this set is working, and I can still do the basal test later.

Don't know if this is a good idea or a stupid idea. Can't think straight :confused:

Hi Emma,
best to leave your basal test now you have changed your set.
This is what is recomended anyway.
Good excuse to have a long deserved snooze by the sounds of it.
Hope lunch went ok at least. 🙂
2 hours after lunch 16.5. So just took 1.1u correction. I guess this means I can't basal test over dinner, since this insulin will be active until 8.30.

Just spoke to DSN. Seeing her tomorrow to hopefully get some pointers and a CGM.

I've had enough.
2 hours after lunch 16.5. So just took 1.1u correction. I guess this means I can't basal test over dinner, since this insulin will be active until 8.30.

Just spoke to DSN. Seeing her tomorrow to hopefully get some pointers and a CGM.

I've had enough.

when you changed your cannula, did you leave the old one in?
If you didn't this might account for the high. Many find they have to leave the old one in for at least a couple of hours after a change.
Can you also get shares in SF jelly? It sounds as if you need to take the plunge and go right back to the begining. Which means running slightly high with a flat rate day and night(discuss with DSN) and attack your basals.

I had to do this a little while back, but the effort was well worth it 🙂
Other things to think about are cannula's......... Do you need to change the type you are using?
Have you rotated your sites enough? IE no scar tissue build up.
((((((((((hugs))))))))) you can do it, have some faith in yourself.

Ended up with 3 set changes yesterday before I landed on one that stuck. Had a much better night (was only up to check once!!!), and woke to 5.5 so basal testing this morning.

when you changed your cannula, did you leave the old one in?
If you didn't this might account for the high. Many find they have to leave the old one in for at least a couple of hours after a change.
Can you also get shares in SF jelly? It sounds as if you need to take the plunge and go right back to the begining. Which means running slightly high with a flat rate day and night(discuss with DSN) and attack your basals.

I had to do this a little while back, but the effort was well worth it 🙂
Other things to think about are cannula's......... Do you need to change the type you are using?
Have you rotated your sites enough? IE no scar tissue build up.
((((((((((hugs))))))))) you can do it, have some faith in yourself.


Many thanks for all your suggestions, Sue.

I always leave the old cannula in for 3 or 4 hours.

DSN hasn't suggested changing basals to a flat rate. She said to basal test as they are at the moment and see how it goes. Initial tests suggest that my basal is pretty much okay, and that it's my bolus that's miles out. This would make sense, as my bolus ratio is the same for the entire day 😱

Onto the cannulas. After yesterday, I am fast coming to the conclusion that this is one of my main problems. The STUPID Quicksets seem to get worse and worse. DSN gave me a couple of Sils to try a few weeks ago, and they were far better. My intention was to finish the 2 boxes of Quicksets I've got, then switch to Sils next time I order. But I think switching to Sils sooner would be a much better idea. I think the Quicksets have been causing me more problems than I realised.

Re rotating sites: this could well be one of my problems, too. The Quicksets only seem to work on waist & hips. The flabbier the area, the more likely they are to fail, so stomach is out of the question 😱 The Sils, however, had no complaints in my stomach.

I forgot about SF jelly! I will stock up on some this weekend 🙂

So, POA is to keep basal testing, order Sils from Medtronic today, and hopefully get CGM from DSN.
Hi Emma,
Glad to hear you sounding so much more positive this morning 🙂
There does seem to be a lot of complaints about the quicksets and failures.
So! that could be all it is.
As to site rotation, I was told that dif parts of the body can need a bit more insulin and also dif length cannulas than others. So was advised to set a temp rate. So again might be worth considering.
SF Jelly... Are you going to buy some interesting moulds? Perhaps Northerner can organise a competition for best jelly :D

Good luck with it all. Take one day at a time having a bad day test wise?.. there's always tomorrow so start again. You will get there, it's just so frustrating whilst trying to sort it.
Thanks so much, Sue 🙂

Re site rotation: I've never tried anywhere other than my midriff, mostly because I find this convenient. I do need to try elsewhere, I'm thinking thighs, but don't want to throw another variable into the mix at the moment! So will try other areas once things have settled down again.

On the jelly - I was planning on being incredibly lazy and buying the ready-made pots! 😱:D
I do midriff, my sides, upper buttock, and side of thigh. Definitely rotate when things have settled down, scar tissue etc can cause isssssssues! 🙂

Do you use Sils on all sites? Needle seems a bit scary for using in my waist!
On the jelly - I was planning on being incredibly lazy and buying the ready-made pots! 😱:D

😱 Nooooooooooooo buy the pkt you have a whole pint to eat that way :D
Do you use Sils on all sites? Needle seems a bit scary for using in my waist!

Yep! I have *cough* enough of a waist so it's not a problem. I tense everything to find where the muscle is so I can avoid it. Remember they go in at a shallow angle, so you don't need much of a fleshy bit to get them in. Kids use them for that reason, and I have a skinny friend who uses them, again for that reason.
Yep! I have *cough* enough of a waist so it's not a problem. I tense everything to find where the muscle is so I can avoid it. Remember they go in at a shallow angle, so you don't need much of a fleshy bit to get them in. Kids use them for that reason, and I have a skinny friend who uses them, again for that reason.

I think I'm just a wimp 😱
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