No-deal Brexit plans prioritise medicines over food, MPs told

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Supplies of medicine should be deemed more important than shipments of food if there is a no-deal Brexit, the health secretary has told MPs.

Matt Hancock made clear his view when answering questions at the health and social care select committee. “The thing is that medicines will be prioritised in the event of a no-deal Brexit,” the health and social care secretary said when asked by the former Labour health minister Ben Bradshaw which would be given precedence.

Bradshaw responded: “Over food? Over vital food?”

Hancock replied: “Of course medicines will be prioritised. And we have been through detailed, line-by-line analysis of the 12,000 licensed medicines in the UK. In fact we had our latest meeting on it this morning, the three of us were there, in order to ensure there is a plan for the continuity for all medicines in the event of a no-deal Brexit.”

Why are we even doing this? Fast approaching 3 years on from the campaign and I've still yet to see anyone quantify the 'benefits' of us actually doing this :( I have zero confidence in Matt Hancock, or any of the government to have even the most basic of plans and systems in place.
That, to me, is the most damning thing about this non existent government. Plans for a possible no deal exit should have started 18 months ago, not 2 months before we leave. It’s a disgrace - or a sham.
Well it's in their power whether it's a no-deal exit or not, they could just stop bickering, agree the deal and then get on with what needs to be done instead of wasting time making contingency plans!
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