No Breakfast - Effect on blood glucose levels

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm a non-insulin dependent Type 2 on metformin.

This morning I didn't eat breakfast and was already aware that my blood glucose level was likely to rise because I'd not eaten because I'd read about this effect.

The outcome was as follows:

08.58 am - 5.2 (On rising)
Only black coffee with sweeteners in between the two tests
No exercise - just sitting about reading papers and doing puzzles like us pensioners do in a morning.
11.36 am - 6.1

It's the first time that I've ever tested this situation.

I'd be interested to know whether anyone else has ever tested this out and, if they have, then what did they find?
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I'm also a non-insulin dependant type 2 on Metformin, and on 4 out of 5 weekdays I don't have my breakfast until after 11.30. Can't give exact figures, but generally, and fairly consistently, speaking:-

6.30am - 6.something, shortly after rising.

Then I have hot water with lemon juice and a sweetener, and after dropping my son off to work at around 9ish, I have a 10 minute brisk walk, followed by a slower meandering walk around the shops for about an hour/hour and a half.

11.00 am - 5.something, before having my breakfast.

No idea what it all means, but as long as the figures are low-ish I'm happy!!

Lazy lie in this morning - up at 9.45am and got fasting result of 7.2 (still not happy with my fasting readings so doing some late night experimentation).

One cup of coffee with sweetener, then tested pre-brunch at 12.10 pm (sausage and bacon plus a little ketchup) and I was down to 6.8.

A little shopping plus a gym session and my 2 hour post-prandial was down to 5.6. Happy with that.

Looked at the rest of my data and have only one other similar day to go on. Fasting level of 6.9 followed by no food and a pre-lunch reading of 6.2.

Very limited data of course but it looks like no breakfast causes me to drop a little.
Thanks Helen,

I'm not an expert either.

Yours is different because it's dropping slightly between tests. That could be due to the lemon juice and/or the exercise that you are taking. Maybe someone else will know.

By the way, good results!

Best wishes - John
well im the same metformin type 2 etc and i dnt eat brekkie 3 outta 7 days and i cant say i notice any change
Never thought about it. Most mornings I am hungry when I get up, and every so often I have a morning where I am hungry all morning and have to be carefull what I eat.
Well i'm type one but ive gone from 7 to 9 and even higher before, but I can't remember the exact numbers.
DP is a liver dump. It hits in under 30 mins. Testing 3 hours later will miss it.

For many T2s, the pancreas does not catch up so they can get a sharp rise from the liver dump, plus a gradual rise thereafter. Eventually the pancreas may catch up so after 3 hours you may be back at a more normal level.

Avoiding breakfast is generally a very bad idea since it has a tendency to knock you out of whack for the rest of the day. That first meal tends to get people back from a morning high to a more normal level because the pancreas is being stimulated by the digestive tract rather than just the BG.

Avoiding breakfast altogether is not a good idea.
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