No Basal Required.............

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,

So, recently my body must have undergone some kind of a change. I had a spate of going low in the night, going to bed between sort of 5 and 8 and hypoing around 12PM-1AM until around 5-6AM with the occasional small spike in the green. Average down to around 3.1ish for most of the night.

I experimented with my night time basal and irrespective of whether I took 1 unit of Levemir or 5 I would have the same effect.

I now, take no basal at night whatsoever and average a steady line of around 6 all night.

Still taking my morning basal and Novorapid for food but I find this very bizarre.

Any thoughts?
Everyone is different, you need what you need. If you don’t need nighttime basal at the moment, then that’s fine, just keep a close eye on things in case it changes back again. @Northerner takes no basal at all I believe so maybe you’re like him!
Have you made any other changes recently such as more exercise?
My basal is significantly reduced (not quite to zero) when I exercise, especially when over several days.
On a hiking trip of 10 days, my total basal was more than halved.
My evening basal is 0 sometimes, if I have exercised on consecutive days for several days but I have quite a large disparity between my daytime and night time needs anyway. Currently 22 units in the morning but just 2 at night. Last week I didn't need any at night, but this week I do as I haven't been quite as active. Alcohol can also affect your overnight basal needs and sometimes requires a reduction. Everyone is different in what they need. The trick is in figuring out and adjusting to what your body needs, so congratulations on doing that, but don't worry if you have to adjust it back up at some point.
Hi All,

So, recently my body must have undergone some kind of a change. I had a spate of going low in the night, going to bed between sort of 5 and 8 and hypoing around 12PM-1AM until around 5-6AM with the occasional small spike in the green. Average down to around 3.1ish for most of the night.

I experimented with my night time basal and irrespective of whether I took 1 unit of Levemir or 5 I would have the same effect.

I now, take no basal at night whatsoever and average a steady line of around 6 all night.

Still taking my morning basal and Novorapid for food but I find this very bizarre.

Any thoughts?
As mentioned, this happened to me about 4 years after diagnosis. At diagnosis I was on 18 lantus, but this gradually reduced until a point where I was on 2 units and still waking in the 4s. Decided to try without and waking in 5s 🙂 Told consultant, who said it will probably be required again soon - still waiting nearly 12 years later! Numerous consultants have puzzled over this and some have tried to persuade me to take levemir, but I have resisted as it seems unlikely my pancreas will fail me completely overnight, and I'm more likely to have a bad night hypo :(

Have you had a C-peptide test to determine how much of your own insulin you are now producing? If not, worth asking, although do be aware that the medics may attempt to reclassify you as Type 2, which could lead to you losing some Type 1 treatments, like Libre sensors :( I am now classified as 'Type ?, treated as Type 1', although I'm constantly having to tell my GP I am NOT Type 2 😱

This forum actually means I know more about this than many consultants, as I have encountered about half a dozen others in a similar situation - produce enough insulin for basal needs, but still need insulin for food (I use 20 units novorapid a day). I know one person who stopped using insulin at all, and now takes the occasional hal a gliclizide tablet! 😱 She is a triathlete, and this may be a factor in making her very sensitive to the insulin she produces. I have been a runner for 40 years and this may help me. However, plase note that I do NOT think this situation is something you can 'work towards' - there is no 'weaning yourself off insulin', as Halle Berry is famously supposed to have done, she may just be like me, and possibly you 🙂

In summary, you need just as much insulin as you need, so I would just work towards becoming comfortable with your new situation. You should inform your healthcare team but fight your corner if they see this as an opportunity to reclassify you. I'm afraid I haven't had time to look at your background, but other things to consider are LADA and MODY, which can provide and explanation - I'm probably my own variety of LADA 🙂

Good luck and please let me know if you have any questions - best to tag me, so I don't miss it as I no longer read all the posts since I retired as Admin 🙂
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