No appetite

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
As we all know, I am currently in thr throws of a horrific cold. Today is the first of the really bad days. I've totally lost my appetite and whenever I eat I get this horrible feeling in my tummy, like its really heavy. And it hurts. I started worrying this could be something to do with my so called 'nueropathy', so called because I STILL haven't had a letter to go to the hospital. I'm assuming its just because of the cold?!

Not only that, all day today I've been horrifically thirsty. Obviously worried about being high, i checked and was 7.9 O.o Nothing I do can get rid of the thirst, but my sugars are fine and there is no ketones whatsoever.

Is all this just because of the cold? Should I spend the weekend holed up in bed, eating nothing until this feeling goes???

Keep the fluids intake up. I have chicken broth (soup) when I'm ill with some bread dunked in it. Paracetamol for the cold and wrap up.

(Doc told me chicken soup is good for me when ill)
chicken soup sounds like a good plan, might have to pick some up tomorrow. Alas tonight is pizza or nothing :( i'm all go for the nothing to be honest!
As we all know, I am currently in thr throws of a horrific cold. Today is the first of the really bad days. I've totally lost my appetite and whenever I eat I get this horrible feeling in my tummy, like its really heavy. And it hurts. I started worrying this could be something to do with my so called 'nueropathy', so called because I STILL haven't had a letter to go to the hospital. I'm assuming its just because of the cold?!

Not only that, all day today I've been horrifically thirsty. Obviously worried about being high, i checked and was 7.9 O.o Nothing I do can get rid of the thirst, but my sugars are fine and there is no ketones whatsoever.

Is all this just because of the cold? Should I spend the weekend holed up in bed, eating nothing until this feeling goes???

Sam, you can be thirsty and wee a lot when you have a cold or infection, this is normal regardless of your bg level. Can be normal to loose apetite too, so maybe some milky drinks will help, or sip sugary drinks as dont forget you have basal insulin to consider and you should never stop taking your insulin. dont know about the tummy thing, but hope you feel better tomorrow,
It could be the cold. I sometimes feel thirsty like that when the lurgy has me in it's grip. I wouldn't worry to much about the sugars just now and concentrate on dealing with the cold.

Just a thought, do you have plenty of layers* and waterproof stuff for the digging? It's vital you don't get chilled out there. Do you have a flask for hot drinks?

*Layers are better for keeping warm than a single heavy item. The air gets trapped and warmed up by your body heat. It's also easier to remove one if you get too warm for a while.
chicken soup sounds like a good plan, might have to pick some up tomorrow. Alas tonight is pizza or nothing :( i'm all go for the nothing to be honest!

You should eat something Sam. Can you send Matty out for the soup? I've always got a couple of tins in the cupboard in case I'm unwell. Don't forget the paracetamol and keep drinking fluids to flush your system through.
It could be the cold. I sometimes feel thirsty like that when the lurgy has me in it's grip. I wouldn't worry to much about the sugars just now and concentrate on dealing with the cold.

Just a thought, do you have plenty of layers* and waterproof stuff for the digging? It's vital you don't get chilled out there. Do you have a flask for hot drinks?

*Layers are better for keeping warm than a single heavy item. The air gets trapped and warmed up by your body heat. It's also easier to remove one if you get too warm for a while.

Layers, hmmm. I have a couple of hoodies and there will be a spare jumper in my bag. I also have my huge hobo coat but there will be a waterproof coat in my bag too. Need to look into a new pair of digging trousers, as atm all i have is an old pair of jeans so not the best if its raining. As for a flask, i have one but it smells of mould. It's quite gross...any idea how i can get rid of it?!

I only noticed the loosing appetite thing over the last few days, same with it making me feel yucky in my tummy which is why im assuming its the cold. Last week I was fine. I'm gunna try and eat a bit tonight and make sure I keep the fluids up.

Need to kick this nasty thing by monday. Problem being its gone right onto my chest now, the cough is horrible. I was supposed to work the close today but after an epic coughing fit accompanied by vast amounts of phlegm (LOL!) I was sent home with a 'good luck' 'see ya' and 'you sound like a man'. hahahaha. Even if I'm still feeling yuck on monday, I'm so going to work. Can't miss out :D
I like the Baxters range of soups. The spicey ones like 'Tomato and Rice' and Parsnip are good when you have a cold because of the stronger flavour. They also do a chicken broth and about 20 others. The problem is many shops only stock a few varieties.
managed my pizza but feel very very very full. It was bloody good though. I think tomorrow I'm gunna take it easy on the food, cuz I'm just not feeling hungry right now. I think tomorrow will just be a day of chilling, and havcing soup and keeping the levels up. Duvet day, oh yes.
good news! The lead balloon is getting smaller. Its still there but not as owie and i was able to actually eat a decent breakfast yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. We shall see how this progresses throughout the day :D
Often, a sore throar feels like being thirsty - but in case, drinking fluids helps, hot, cold, whatever you feel like.
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