Nine curious facts about diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It would seem that patients today know everything about diabetes, one of the most common diseases of modern time. This is true thanks to the efforts of the media. Endocrinologist Leonid Zaitsev collected the most obscure and interesting facts about the disease.

The first attempts to treat diabetes were made before our era. Ancient Greek and Roman physicians treated it with massage, exercise, baths, aromatherapy and other means. In the 19th century a special meat diet low in carbohydrates was developed for diabetics. In a few decades, there were still plenty of diets, and therapy with the use of opium and bloodletting became popular. The most effective treatment for type 2 diabetes was a low calorie diet. Patients with type 1 diabetes had a much sadder fate, and prior to the invention of insulin therapy patients with this disease died shortly after the onset of the first symptoms.

When I was in Russia the two main newspapers were 'Pravda' (Truth) and 'Izvyestia' (News). The saying was, 'There is no truth in the news, and no news in the truth' :D
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