Nighttime spikes...why? Somogyi? Protein?

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,
I’m on super tight (pre-preg) control at the moment but keep having big prolonged spikes overnight (over hours and hours - I can tell from Freestyle Libre) and just can’t figure out why and correction doses don’t even seem to help! (For nights without this weird spike I only need 5 units levermir for bedtime).
Does anyone know if the Somogyi rebound can happen hours later??? I’ve been having a fair few daytime lows, finding harder to avoid with such strict control and wondering if liver is responding but super late?!
Only other thing I can think is I guess it could be effect of having more protein....? Has anyone tried limiting protein intake to set amount?
Pre-preg planning is a bit relentless! Desperate to fix overnight high so any help would be amazing
Welcome to the forum @Type1of25years+

The last I heard about Somogyi was that it hasn’t really been reliably observed as more and more people use CGM.

there are certainly time where I appear to be able to see a liver dump, but I can’t reliably associate these with hypos personally.

I’ve also seen research that shows people with longer diabetes duration tend to see less liver response to hypos - especially at night.

Sorry that this doesn’t really help - it I’m not convinced these liver dumps are hypo driven. Perhaps they are just down to the general hormonal havoc?

Good luck with your pre-preg endeavours - those preg targets are teeny tiny!!
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