Night time Wee!

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello, I hope everyone is holding up OK.
I am 52 and was diagnosed T2 in October last year. I don't need any medication and my Hba1c has come back at 6.5 in my last two blood results. But I am having to get up 2 or 3 times a night to wee. Does anyone else have this issue? Is it common for this to happen in T2, even if your glucose is well-controlled? Any input would be much appreciated!
Hi and welcome.

I am guessing from your username that you are female and I see that you are early 50s so, it may be to do with the menopause rather than the diabetes. The main reason I say this is that I suffered with quite bad menopausal symptoms for 5 years before I started on HRT. My diabetes was reasonably under control at that point so the thirst and weeing due to that was under control. What I hadn't expected was that from almost day 1 of starting using HRT patches I no longer needed to get up and go to the loo during the night and prior to that it had been at least once or twice a night every night. It literally stopped overnight and I don't even wake up in the morning busting to go, even when I have drank quite a lot before bed. This means I sleep soundly without any interruption almost every night and in 2 years I think I can count on one hand the number of times I have had to have a pit stop during the night. I assumed this issue was age related but for me it was very much hormone related. It is wonderful not to have the debilitating hot sweats day and night but the lack of pit stops and fabulous sleep is a massive additional benefit. I use patches and can get away with half the dose ie just one patch a week. I can't tell you how much those little clear patches have revolutionized my life for the better.
Definitely worth discussing with your GP.... ideally a female GP who may well be more sympathetic.
Hear Hear to what @rebrascora said - extra piddling and diabetes aren't normally connected unless your blood glucose commonly runs at over 13.0 - ie more than twice what it should be - but the effects of Anno Domini passing definitely include needing to wee more during the night. This even happens even if you've eg been sterilised in your 30s and/or had a hysterectomy in your 40s - but less so if still on HRT.

(Sex hormones have a lot to answer for, both in us ladies and in men - as well as insulin itself which is our usual focus - aaaarrgghh .....)
I think sometimes it can be phycological as I was getting up frequently as my other half would get up multiple times and it would wake me up so I just thought I might as well go as well even though I didn't really need to so it became a habit.
But now he has had 'the problem' fixed I may only go once in the night.

The other thing is if you drink a caffeine containing drink at night then your bladder may be sensitive to it and cause it to be an irritated.
Urinary tract infections can also cause the need for frequent loo visits.
Thank you so much everyone for your replies. I must say the fact that I’m 52 had never even entered into my head, I was so hung up on the T2 being the cause of everything!
Bless you, thank you very much! I am trying to relax about it and not get overly anxious because I know that won’t help.
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