Night time hypos

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have been a type 1 since 1993, you would think that I should be able to manage my condition by now! I use the type 2 libre monitor, looking at my past readings I used to sleep through them now I am waking up with the alarm. I have set the bottom level at 4 which means anything under that the alarm goes off. Do you think that I should set the alarm lower maybe 3? I am going to try reducing the correction of insulin before bedtime and I have already reduced my background. just looking for some advice because everyone around is full of advice - they are all experts cause they have read up from the internet but none of them actually have the illness. I’m struggling at the moment and my weight is going up cause of the extras I am eating. Thanks in advance
Firstly, we are all different both in terms of our diabetes but also in terms of other conditions and our mental capacity to manage highs and lows.
Personally, I think if a hypo is anything under 4 and I want to avoid hypos, I want to know before I am at that level so I can treat it before reaching hypo. Therefore, my lower alarm level is set to 4.5. If you set your night time alarm to 3, you will be allowing your body to familiarise itself with the lower levels and it could affect your hypo awareness.
I appreciate the "extras" are affecting your weight but avoiding hypos should be the most important thing.

I have two further thoughts
- have you done a basal test to check your basal dose is correct?
- you mention a correction before bed, maybe you should aim for a higher target with this correction. I know some people are advised not to go to sleep with a level less than 8mmol/l.
Why do you need a correction at bedtime? - either your basal insulin isn't sufficient in the evening or you're not having sufficient bolus for your evening meal. So yes - you need to do a basal test. But question - when the Libre wakes you up and says your BG is under 4 - when you check that with your BG meter - does that agree? - they are less reliable both at lower numbers, and at higher - that's why Abbot tell us to check.
Low alarm is set at 4.8 to give enough time to react, always look at arrow to see which direction arrow is pointing.

Look at basal checking basal as helli suggests.
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