Night-time fits

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was taken to A&E on 7th May following a fit at about 5 in the morning. This was my second in just over a year - having never had them before.
Is it possible that this is linked to my pump as they have only occurred after going on the pump?
Sadly, I've had to surrender my driving licence and can't drive for at least a year - but if I have another fit within the year I have to show a history and causes over a 3 year period. :(
Sadly, the weekend before my fit we moved to a gorgeous rented house in a rural location so am really going to miss my car and independence!!
Any guidance/information will be gratefully received.
What do you mean fit ? Are you talking about a hypo ? Did you manage to have a test on night of do ! Did you get any readings off A & E ? Hope ur ok 🙂
Hi suzie.

In my teens and twenties I used to have occasional fits from hypos. No idea what levels because we didn't have meters then but I used to (apparently) go rigid, with jerking and spasms and would invariably bite my tongue.

I don't know why I had them and why I've not had one for about 20 years, but I was told that it's rare but not unheard of and is definitely not epilepsy, although the mechanism behind it is similar.

There may be more info available now. Have they given you any sort of explanations as to why it might have started?

According to my husband, I was jerking all over the bed, had clenched hands and didn't appear to be 'at home'!
He managed to check my sugars, as did the paramedics and then myself and my sugars were between 7 and 9.5. So not very low at all.
I've got a CT scan and ECG booked in this month but the consultant I saw in A&E (without benefit of the results of these tests) said it was epilepsy and I'm not allowed to drive! Hopefully, the tests will prove that's it's not as I don't think I can cope with another major illness! This one's bad enough!!
Being at those levels I wouldn't expect you to have a fit/seizure because of blood sugar.........

I have never had one, but my wee brother has a few when in primary school.........I would imagine the levels would be below 1 for sure for the body to react like that.........

I hope you get some answers soon.......🙂
Good luck with tests. Dont tell boffins too much ! Fingers crossed you get some possitive news !
According to my husband, I was jerking all over the bed, had clenched hands and didn't appear to be 'at home'!
He managed to check my sugars, as did the paramedics and then myself and my sugars were between 7 and 9.5. So not very low at all.
I've got a CT scan and ECG booked in this month but the consultant I saw in A&E (without benefit of the results of these tests) said it was epilepsy and I'm not allowed to drive! Hopefully, the tests will prove that's it's not as I don't think I can cope with another major illness! This one's bad enough!!

When did they test you? I've had two seizures (in 23 years of being diabetic, both weirdly enough after starting on the pump, but I think mine were related to other issues) and both times I was in the 2's before the seizure - 2.6 for one and 2.9 for the other - but when I was tested by the paramedics afterwards, I was at normal levels - 5.6 for one and 6.5 for the other - so I think it's completely possible for you to have been low enough to have a seizure and then have your liver kick in and release glucose so that you are higher afterwards...
I agree with Ange that you could easily be that high some time after the event, assumign you were given glucose too.

As NRBoi said, it's the brain's response to very low BGs but if you didn't test shortly before and there was a delay of maybe half hour after before testing, you wouldn't have a clue where your BG was at.

Hope the tests show it was hypo related and not epilepsy (not that it'll change the licence outcome I don't suppose but better for health).

If the levels were as stated during or very close after the event without being given hypostop or glucagen then hypoglycaemia looks to be unlikely as a cause
I'm sorry about the license- I hope you find someway around the transport problems
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