Night Owls

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Any neuropathy sufferers out there? Thought perhaps we could form a little club for those who spend the first half of the night waiting for it to pass. Jus taken an extra dose of pregabalin and tramadol and hope to get to sleep in about an hour. Manage to get lots of jobs done during this time - things I have put off duing the day like putting the ironing away, catching up on the footie (aren't Man City doing well!).
Life can be a bitch but we wouldn't know it was good if it wasn't!
i don't have neuropathy but am still a night owl. Can i join the club anyway? Lol x
Congratulations you're the first member! Wouldn't mind being up half the night if I could have a midnight feast but everything in the fridge is pretty boring. What keeps you up so late? My daughter lives in Oz so its a useful time to ring her but she's gone out today!
Fancy a cup of tea and a biscuit but always worrying whether I should be or not - think I'll take a reading.
Thanks for the message
Diagnosed type 2 Jan 2009 on Insulin from May - neuropathy set well in by then
dunno really. Been like it for years. Could be the other half's snoring now but thats not what started it lol. Thank you very much but i'm the 2nd member. You're the first 🙂 x
And there was me thinkin I'm the only one in the world awake!! Bet I am now!Finding it hard to get off to sleep since starting insulin 6 weeks ago. Scared of night time hypos, and a million other thoughts going round in my head about diabetes.Not much danger of that tonight tho!! Have overdosed on Curry and underdosed on insulin. Bah!!
Hi Joan and welcome to the forum, i went to the docs about pains in my feet and finger ends but she ruled out neuropathy, as for being a night owl i was up last night again and this time at 3 this morning i was watching preety woman lol
Hi Joan and welcome to the forum.

I know there are a number of forum users who are night owls for a variety of reasons, so I hope you get lots of company on the boards.
Hello, I have neuropathy but it doesn't affect me in the night at all. Barely affects me at all any more :D Told I had it last november, and then told that with good steady control the symptoms for me would go away. Doctor man said it would get worse before it gets better and to some extent he has been right.

Take 3 gabapentin tablets a day - 900mg i believe which is a tiny tiny dose.

However, I'm a night owl in that I stay up playing video games or writing till silly o clock :D
I've had some symptoms but since my numbers started coming down again most of them have gone. The dog is no longer fascinated with my left big toe and I no longer have to scrape myself off the ceiling whenever her whiskers touch it. You've no idea what a relief that is.
Thanks for all your replies. Had a great nights sleep last nite after being awake till 6am the night before. Slept thru most of Witness for the Prosecution at our local theatre and am sure it was nothing to do with the play.
Glodee most have been afraid they would hypo in the night but I was assured that no-one has died from a hypo at night you will wake up and twice I have woke at 3.8. If you take a reading before you go to bed - keep it over 8 you should be ok. Any other worries and I'm sure someome will be able to give you advice. Joan
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