Night Hypo

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Had a hypo last night. I woke up at 3:45 feeling horrid and tested at 2.6. I don't generally keep sweeties in the house because if they're there I'll eat them, so I pinched a bit of bro's white bread and some jam. It seemed to to do the trick and I was up to 5.0 an hour later, had another slice because I didn't want to go back to sleep under 6.5 and that took another hour by which time there was no point in going back to sleep. I've struggled into the office (remember it's a great long 2 minute walk ffom home) and I'm sitting here feeling decidedly hung over and shivery. I've just tested and I'm 4.1 so it looks like I'm on the way down again. I've got a full fat Irn-Bru for if it's goes below 4. I've got a really busy day ahead and need all my marbles so I can see this day is going to be a real struggle. I'm off to top up my coffee stream, has anyone found a way to get the caffeine fed in intravenously yet?
There are a lot here who'd have intravenous caffeine, except they like the taste of strong (very strong in some cases) coffee.

I hope you don't drop again and the day is a huge success for you.
Perhaps you could adapt an insulin pump to use caffiene? Sorry to hear about the hypo Alison, night hypos are the worst :( Always leave me with a hypo hangover on top of the fact that they seriously disturb your sleep. I think this is little appreciated by non-Ds. Sounds like your pancreas might be springing back into life for a little while - might be worth a word with the nurse or doctor to see if your meds need adjustment.

Hope you are feeling better soon 🙂
Hi Alison, I keep little cartons of OJ by my bed for this reason - I know it works within 10 minutes or so, so I don't need to stay up and wait for it to work like you did with the bread. Might be an idea to save on precious sleep? I get really annoyed if I lose out on sleep to a hypo!!
I had a phone appointment with the doctor and she said stop taking the Sitagliptin for the rest of the week and see what happens. I'm still hovering in the low 4s which should be great but is pretty low for me and I still feel awful. At least the coffee is keeping me awake.
Are you just on sitagliptin and metformin?

Night hypos are the worst, and can leave you feeling rotten the next day. hope the coffee is helping.
I think I went hypo last night, I was awake because I couldn't sleep and then started to feel hungry (never feel hungry unless low) and felt odd, but stupidly didn't think to do my sugars!! raided the fridge and ate a small bag of cherry tomatoes, a special k bar, and some fudge and finished off my grapefruit juice and went back to bed.. didn't feel like I was with it for most of this time and seemed to be on auto-pilot in the kitchen lol I did go to sleep about 4am and when i woke up I thought yikes my sugars are going to be horrendously high but it was 9.1...
Had one last night too. I keep small 150ml cans of coke (the real thing !) by the bed. Each one is about 15g carb and gets in the system quickly.

Once I'm on the way up, after about 10-20 minutes, I have a hob nob or something else a bit more long lasting and roll over to throw out some Zzzz's.

Still feel like a zombie though 🙄

Had one last night too. I keep small 150ml cans of coke (the real thing !) by the bed. Each one is about 15g carb and gets in the system quickly.

Once I'm on the way up, after about 10-20 minutes, I have a hob nob or something else a bit more long lasting and roll over to throw out some Zzzz's.

Still feel like a zombie though 🙄


I think the problem is that, as I've had a couple that kept falling despite usual treatment plus I live on my own, I daren't risk undertreating a bad low in the night. Might be more tempted/brave if it was during the day and I could go and sit with a neighbour (as I once had to do). Thankfully, most respond within a couple of minutes - but you just don't know! A pox on your capriciousness, diabetes! 😱
I agree. If I didn't have a personal slave to fetch me my sweeties, I'd scoff everything within reach.
Unfortunately, she keeps all the really good stuff on her side so I can't reach :(

Another one last night has left me feeling really exhausted and miserable, and I have an awful ache in my jaws (can I have been grinding my teeth last night?). I've struggled my way into work and I'm sat here in a daze, feeling really cold. So cold in fact, I've got my thickest fleece on. I just want to go back to bed and sleep the day away.
Another one last night has left me feeling really exhausted and miserable, and I have an awful ache in my jaws (can I have been grinding my teeth last night?). I've struggled my way into work and I'm sat here in a daze, feeling really cold. So cold in fact, I've got my thickest fleece on. I just want to go back to bed and sleep the day away.

Oh dear, sorry to hear this Alison. Sounds as though the Diabetes Fairy is sprinkling her evil dust on you at the moment. Hope you are feeling better soon, and that they don't come in threes.
I'm still feeling really rough but I should be out of the office shortly and I think I'll have a wee lie down when I get home. I might be in later, but if not, I'll catch you all tomorrow.
I'm still feeling really rough but I should be out of the office shortly and I think I'll have a wee lie down when I get home. I might be in later, but if not, I'll catch you all tomorrow.

Hope you get a good, uneventful night's rest 🙂
I'm still feeling really rough but I should be out of the office shortly and I think I'll have a wee lie down when I get home. I might be in later, but if not, I'll catch you all tomorrow.

Hi hope you feel better after your lie down
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