Night from hell...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello all,

It's one twenty five in the morning as I write. I am currently going through a night from hell. I was intending to be asleep by eleven ish. That wasn't to be. I changed cannula, reservoir and battery on the pump then. Two hours after putting the new cannula in my bloods had gone to 10.4 mmol/L. At half eleven they'd been 5.3 mmol/L, at one they had been 8.3 mmol/L. I might have had a dodgy cannula. I've just changed it and it looks like I am staying awake until about three. Oh the joys. I have to be awake at about eight as I'm staying in halls to make sure I get the delivery from Medtronic as I have run out of sets and reservoirs due to the various issues I've had over the past few days. I tell you, my patience are wearing thin! My eyes are vaguely red rimmed and I am getting more irritated. First reservoir issues then cannula issues. The night hasn't been pleasant.

I will let you all know how I am some time later today.

Just tested bloods again. They are 13.0 mmol/L. Just used a pen for the first time in three weeks to correct. If things don't improve in an hour or two I will be taking the pump off and getting some Levemir into my system and crawling into my pit.

Got a headache. Necked some ibuprofen. Feeling grotty. When I test at half past I will go to bed if things are ok. At 02:13 I've just had a 13.6. Levemir time and I will take pump off. Reconnect tomorrow night and call DSN when I awake.

I hope are feeling better this morning Tom and managed to get some sleep.
Have you tried any other types of sets? mayeb you might have more luck and find something that suits you better? Your DSN will be able to advise.
Tom hope you ok today, let us know how today goes,

take care
Tom, it is very common to go high after a set change - have your team not told you this? You can either give more through canula (we should do 0.3 units but we now do 0.6 as A goes high) or you can set a temp basal for an hour after set change. You could have done a temp basal last night - 130% or so would have been a good starting point. You could set it for 2 hours and set alarm to check etc... Not sure you needed to revert back to levemir as this may cause you problems through today? Also, if you are due a set change its always better to do it earlier in the day to avoid these sorts of problems late at night. (not sure if you were due one or whether this was a one-off). Hope things have settled down this morning.🙂Bev

p.s. Dont forget - if your coming down with something this raises levels - so it may not have been anything to do with the set change at all.
Hi Tom

Big drag. Also do examine your set(s) when you take them out -- if kinked or bent, that can slow down/eliminate delivery and the pump won't necessarily tell you.

I'm with Bev -- wouldn't mess with levermir at this stage, because it will mess up your basals. AND also with Bev: if you had a dodgy set and went high, you may well need a temp basal to come back down, even with a correction on the new set. With all of E's dodgy sets (now no more, thank god), we had to correct + do a 120% temp basal for two to four hours in order to get things back under control. With no background insulin in, there is no reserve, as you know, so it's like you need to replenish...

Anyway, I'll stop yacking. Hope things are better this morning?
Hi Tom,

hope things are better this morning and you get back on the pump quickly.

I've had a couple of instances where I've done a complete set change and then had to replace the cannula again within a few hours. I think it's just one of those things - dodgy cannula, air in the line, something like that.

I usually bolus half a unit when I've changed a cannula just to cover what hasn't been going in during the change.

I've also noticed that it can sometimes take up to two hours for a correction bolus to start to take effect and up to three hours to bring my BG back down to the desired level.
Hi Tom hope you are feeling better x
Hello Folks,

Just woken up. When I took the cannulas out last night the one thing that I did pick up is that they looked vaguely white at the end.

As for the Levemir I only gave eighteen units; that's the half dose I was instructed to give the nigth before I started out. It's kept me at about 10 mmol/L and it shouldn't make too much of an impact when I hook up again.

I've only just woken up as I am knackered.

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