Night basals

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am on a spirit combo pump. I really love it. My night basals are lower than my daytime basals. Some people have higher basals at night and some have lower. How many of us do higher night basals and how many of us do lower?
I am not pumping but my evening requirements outweigh my daytime, which is strange as I would imagine the liver would start to slow its secretion of glucose as the day draws to an end......🙂
Mine are lower for part of the night, it raise in the evening then drops right back until hit DP in the morning before setting down...

If you saw my basal settings you would soon see how come I used to get some much hsassel with MDI
Jessica's highest basal is between 5 am and 8.30 am and this deals with the mid morning spike as well. It then goes right down to almost nothing mid morning and back up again from 12.30 to 3 pm ish.
I've only just started but at the moment I have less at night than during the day, but it starts to go up from 6am onwards to combat DP.

Edit: Scrap that I'm lying. I do take more basal during the night than during the day at the moment. 0.75 from 12am to 6am; 0.8 from 6am to 9am; 0.7 the rest of the day!
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Lower at night, pump basal is zero for a few hours
Thanks for replies. It helps a lot when you see how differant we all are, although we have d.
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