NICE / SIGN flowchart for T2 medication

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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Thanks to @gll and @Docb for recently sharing these helpful resources.

SIGN (Scottish equivalent to NICE) flowchart for the introduction of medications to help with T2 diabetes

And the section of the NICE guidelines on which the flowchart is based

And again as a flowchart
Thanks to @gll and @Docb for recently sharing these helpful resources.

SIGN (Scottish equivalent to NICE) flowchart for the introduction of medications to help with T2 diabetes

And the section of the NICE guidelines on which the flowchart is based

And again as a flowchart

I have to be honest that's not a lot clearer

Metformin or

Metformin plus

Or something else

Or something else plus something else

Is the kind of non medical advice I am looking for
Snipped from the flowchart


and also


With possible addition of ‘flozin (double therapy)

And possibly insulin (double or triple)

Or GLP1 (but these are in short supply currently so no new starts)
Snipped from the flowchart

View attachment 27659

and also
View attachment 27660


With possible addition of ‘flozin (double therapy)

And possibly insulin (double or triple)

Or GLP1 (but these are in short supply currently so no new starts)

Thanks for that although it's incredibly confusing with all these medical scientific chemical names I just want medication without these awful side effects

Dapagliflozin gave me thrush and I have terrible problems urinating

So I try metformin again and the tummy pain and loose bowels start up again

I sometimes think sod it all I am going to try and do it by diet alone
Thanks for that although it's incredibly confusing with all these medical scientific chemical names I just want medication without these awful side effects

Dapagliflozin gave me thrush and I have terrible problems urinating

So I try metformin again and the tummy pain and loose bowels start up again

I sometimes think sod it all I am going to try and do it by diet alone

Why don’t you ask to try a different medication then? There’s hundreds of options
Indeed and thanks although I appreciate they are only suggestions and not medical opinion

For example I take Lithium for depression and the doctors won't prescribe anything that is contraindicated for that
I would move heaven and earth rather than take tablets again - you are taking a medication which encourages the production or release of insulin, I know - not sure of the details of the effects - but as eating a low carb diet makes me feel really quite cheerful, as opposed to the wretched suicidal creature I was when taking the tablets for just a few weeks - it is all I need to know and sticking to it seems to be effective.
The cays after tossing the Metformin and Atorvastatin in the bin were like no longer drowning - and it was Christmas too.
I appreciate that and I am working with the medical people to find as low a dose as possible of effective medication to improve my health and maybe get things into remission
I am just after names of medications that members may be aware of I may be able to discuss with my doctor


that link should help you tie up the categories with individual med names.

that link should help you tie up the categories with individual med names.
Thank you
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