NICE: GPs should screen all adults for exercise habits

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
GPs and practice nurses should screen all adults to determine if they reach recommended levels of physical activity, recommends draft guidance published by NICE.

The guidance says practices should opportunistically use questionnaires to determine the activity of all their adult patients in consultations and tailor advice to those who are not sufficiently active including identifying motivational issues.

The guidance also said physically active patients should also be advised to maintain their habits, and recommends that QOF indicators are developed to ?raise the profile of physical activity? among GPs.

The radical proposal published this month are designed to make enquiries about physical activity ?more routinely? incorporated into daily practice, and supports the ?making every contact count? philosophy enshrined in the NHS Mandate published earlier this year.

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I wonder how many HCPs would pass? 😱
OOer, fisticuffs in the Comments LOL
OOer, fisticuffs in the Comments LOL

Ah! Wasn't there when I read it.🙂 GPs really don't have time in consultations to discuss this properly so it's a complete non-starter as things stand. Unless GPs are allowed time to spend with their patients to really get to know them and what makes them tick none of this stuff will make a ha'porth of difference. My GP is actually very good and I never feel rushed by her, but the dermatology clinic I recently attended, which also is a general practice, has a rule of 10 minutes per consultation and only one 'problem' per consultation! 😱
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