NHS whistleblower who exposed hospital's blood-stained chairs quits over 'gag' bid

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
AN NHS Trust governor has quit after being rapped by his chairman for exposing a hospital?s filthy conditions.

Matthew Brown received what he feels is a gagging letter after he blew the whistle over chairs stained with blood and urine in the casualty department.

Mr Brown complained to *nurses about the waiting room on a visit with his father, John.

When nothing was done a week later he contacted his local newspaper about the issue.

Now he has *resigned from the Trust in fury after a letter from Trust chairman Dr James Whittingham.

It said: ?I am extremely *concerned and disappointed that as a trust governor you felt it appropriate to publicly criticise the trust on this subject.?

Bit OTT ?

As a member of the public he complained. It would be as well as 'just a person' to put any such complaint in writing when you got home, wouldn't it? You would then await a response. etc etc.

So I am sort of with the Guv here, whilst being sympathetic to the bloke who complained, who kind-of misused his position for the purposes of publicity .....

What do others think?
If "Things" wernt right "HE" should have got "HIS" staff to sort ?? He was a so called boss on thousands a year. What are we paying "Him" for. I would love to know if he rang the newspaper from a hosp phone in "MY" time :( Sorry for rant but he was in the wrong job 😉
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