NHS told to do more to 'reduce health inequalities'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has backed a report calling on health professionals to tackle the social and economic causes of ill health - not just the medical.

The report, supported by the British Medical Association, says more needs to be done to reduce the health divide between rich and poor.

It contains a commitment to making "social referrals".

The Health Secretary said the NHS had a legal duty to reduce health inequality.

It has been calculated that addressing health inequalities in the way the report suggests could save the NHS ?5.5bn a year.

Well dunno, but Mrs C didn't ! LOL

Looked ours up, may as well shoot meself right now - diabolical. All in the red except adult smoking, malig melanoma and STDs (no there were a couple more) but we are significantly awful, just not the absolute worst. God help you if you live in one of those areas.

Mad though, GCSE results - so the NHS have to tackle that do they? It may well lead to 'deprivation' the year after GCSE when they sign on the dole - BUT.
These are aimed at public health bods, and councils have taken over much of that responsibility at a population level. I presume lack of good education is an indicator of deprivation generally, and therefore health.

Incidentally, I only know about Health Profiles because I used to work for the NHS organisation that produces them. They're not widely publicised to the general public, although anybody can access them.
Well I certainly agree with that you re education but let's face it although we all dreamed of being a Princess in some way at some time, mostly in my day by age 10 we'd got that out of our systems LOL

Now they don't seem to have the slightest idea what Real Life is all about even at 16 - but there again they never have free rein when they are kids now do they? No disappearing after breakfast and not re-appearing till tea-time having told your mother you were meeting your (named) friend (and vice versa) and going to the Library with her - when really you were both over the rec - that you were banned from cos Big Boys your mother didn't like the look of went there in gangs - seeing how high you dared get the swings to go.
Well I certainly agree with that you re education but let's face it although we all dreamed of being a Princess in some way at some time, mostly in my day by age 10 we'd got that out of our system.

*puts down tiara* really???

I'm waiting for mine to load....
You'll appreciate this one Laura.

One of the useless granddaughters - 16, left school, got a GCSE - which WAS a surprise to me, no idea how as she never hardly ever turned up at school - signed on, tells me she fancies Law.

Oh yeah said I. How do you think you are gonna manage that then? One GCSE. no A levels, most certainly no Law degree.

These days Grandma she says - smiling at the stupidity of the ancient woman whose PC she was currently accessing her FB account on - anyone can be a Barrister!

I spluttered Don't be so ridiculous L - not only do you have to have the qualifications - it's equally important to know the Right People in that Nest of Vipers!

I was told in NO uncertain terms that she was telling absolute Gospel Truth because she'd seen loads of adverts for jobs as a barrister on the internet. You didn't need any qualifications hardly - but it was reasonable money. Well that obviously made no sense did it. Since when has 'Barrister's money' ever been described as 'reasonable' ? Splutter. OK then - show me.

Here's one she says triumphantly 15 seconds later.

Yes - she was perfectly correct. It was true!

Costa Coffee were indeed advertsing for number of trainee Baristas .......
I was reading thinking erm no
But did smile when I got to the end.

But did love the nest of vipers comment

Law ain't all it's cracked up to be & buying your wig & gown isn't cheap.

Did she go for the job?
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