NHS Sustainability Day: simple actions can contribute to substantial savings

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Simple Actions is a campaign that aims to support and encourage 50,000 NHS staff on Merseyside to cut waste, conserve energy, and reduce carbon.

As part of a wider carbon reduction strategy, it aims to save up to ?4m a year to reinvest in services.

Devised and delivered by the Carbon Collective, a group of NHS trusts on Merseyside dedicated to reducing their carbon imprint, the campaign aims to reinforce the message that simple actions can contribute to substantial savings.

It is part of a programme led by the Carbon Collective and championed by Liverpool clinical commissioning group governing body lay member Dave Antrobus. He said: "Every Trust has its own Carbon Management Plan and that includes a significant contribution to staff engagement. We thought about how this could be achieved and decided that a co-ordinated campaign, reaching across Merseyside would be more effective and efficient than each trust working in isolation."

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