NHS surgery LibreView Account Set Up


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Can a NHS Surgery set up a FreeStyle Libre LibreView Account? I think they use LibreView for Professionals. Which member of the HCP team usually does this and who gives them permission?
It is some time since my LibreView account was set up but I believe I did it myself.
Later, I shared my account details with my DSN so she could see my results.
When I set up my Libre view account, I had my prescription direct from the hospital clinic. They sent me a form to sign giving them permission to view my results, which was a condition of them prescribing the Libre, and I was sent a code to input, which allowed the hospital access to my account, (I don’t know what sort of account they have at their end.). I get my annual checks done at the surgery, and they have never mentioned being able to look at my results, I always have to tell them anything they want to know about my daily levels.
Like Robin mine was set up by the hospital. I was on a fair amount of morphine at the time so no idea if data protection was discussed or what their setup is. I was quite surprised how many people had access - GP, Dietitian, Diabetes consultant as well as the hospital where I was first seen. Probably the Diabetes Nurse as well but I've not them yet. Not sure I mind though although its interesting how they each use different bits of data.
Not sure I mind though although its interesting how they each use different bits of data.
At the meeting when I was first offered Libre they outlined when they'd be looking at the data. Basically to verify that we were scanning however many times we'd agreed to and that's pretty much all. But also when we asked them to look (usually during an appointment). Practically I presume that's what the position is nationally: they don't have time to look at this kind of thing for fun, and if they wanted to do research they'd want separate permission anyway.

I'm pretty sure Partha Kar wrote some comment to HCPs saying that these devices offer a significant view into our lives, and that intrusion should be respected. It should always be used to offer advice and help, not to judge. (I'm paraphrasing since I don't seem to have that one bookmarked.)
I did wonder if the software at the HCP end was more sophisticated and it would allow them to track proactively but as you say I don't think they have the time. For various reasons (including a faulty sensor) my numbers went all to pot and I did wonder if that would generate a call asking if I was ok.

In terms of how different teams use the data the dietitian looked at spikes/lows after meals, the GP time in range and the consultant at hourly averages as my TIR was good but the averages were high. Mainly though it seems to be TIR which feels a bit of a blunt tool sometimes.
Hi. I am not sure that the GP surgeries have the knowledge to interpret or capability to access LibreView. Generally it is the specialist diabetes clinics who have access via a unique code.

When I have a review with the diabetes trained nurse at my GP practice she looks at the information on my reader, whereas, if I have a review with my consultant at the clinic, he accesses my LibreView data on his computer.
Hi. I am not sure that the GP surgeries have the knowledge to interpret or capability to access LibreView. Generally it is the specialist diabetes clinics who have access via a unique code.

When I have a review with the diabetes trained nurse at my GP practice she looks at the information on my reader, whereas, if I have a review with my consultant at the clinic, he accesses my LibreView data on his computer.
I think that probably highlights how the National Health Service isn't that National 🙂

The GP could see my TIR although to be fair said she left it to the specialists. The DN could also access it as she referred to it when we spoke on the phone. Haven't met her in person yet though so not sure how she was accessing it. She also seems to be completely separate from the GP Surgery and based at the hospital (different one from where the Libre was setup of course!)