NHS staff shortages 'costing lives'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
New NHS figures show that ?higher than expected? death rates have continued for two years at the hospitals, which serve millions of people.
Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, hasordered the boards of hospital trusts to ?take action? to remedy the situation.

The figures were published ahead of the official inquiry into Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust, where an estimated 1,200 patients died because of ?appalling? care and neglect betweeen 2005 and 2009.

According to the figures, published by the NHS?s Health and Social Care Information Centre, for the past two years mortality rates at hospitals in Colchester, Tameside, Blackpool, East Lancashire and Basildon and Thurrock thave been ?persistently? high.

All five trusts have been ordered to improve matters in the last two years by the Care Quality Commission, the watchdog.

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